I have been monkeying around with the template of my blog. (I'm a talented mouse as I do know how to monkey!) I am not really satisfied with any of the offerings but, despite having taken an HTML class, I have no idea how to create my own. (Given that said course was taken longer than five minutes ago though I really can't recall much.) I have tried different formats, tried to add pictures and backgrounds here and there, messed with fonts and, clearly, font colors, but all to just have a growing sense of frustration at the overall look. I think I am so keen on developing a good look so as to distract viewers from the actual content. I also think that I have spent more time developing the look then actually working on any real content!
I find it ironic, and completely in keeping with mortal justice, that the weekend directly following my posting on my struggles to understand and to make my marriage work, that we have one of our best weekends ever. I suppose this is in keeping with God's law to never give us more than we can handle. Incidentally, this is also why my children, at varying times, have been given extra doses of cuteness; God wants to ensure that they make it to their 18th birthday!
Church was good today; it is one of my favorite parts of Sunday. I wonder at people who don't have a church family to call their own. How do they survive, particularly when they move someplace new, without those roots and friendships? I love the time I am given to worship and fellowship with like minded believers. What a gift! I miss teaching my class though, in some respects anyway. I don't really miss all the 747s practicing take off and descent in my stomach before every class. As a control freak what I really miss is being able to control the content of the class. Today we were discussing Romans and the basic tenets of the gospel of Christ -- our being sinners and our need for a Redeemer. There are some though who interpret the scriptures to mean that we are saved AFTER we do so many works or such. I don't know if this is what they really believe or merely what I am interpreting and inferring, but it irks me nonetheless, because I want everyone to feel the joy of the gospel and not feel beleaguered or heavy laden. It has taken me much study and prayer, but I firmly believe that we are saved by grace and faith NOW not at some later date, and that works are a by product of said faith and are accomplished only with my hand firmly in His. I believe that we are saved "after all we can do," but I believe all we can do is repent and choose Jesus, "for my yoke is easy and my burden light." Ah, I finally found one of my soap boxes; I knew I would if I typed long enough.
The kids did quite well during quiet time this afternoon and Robert was able to nap (yea, all hail a happy daddy!). Quinn has been pestering me to work with him on knitting again. We tried yesterday -- he has been most intrigued as he watches me knit my scarf -- but his coordination is that of a 6 year old and it became an exercise in frustration for both him and me. He wanted to try again but I just didn't have the heart for it on a Sunday.
Dinner is roasting, kids are watching "Ant Bully," rain is falling, there's a fire in the wood stove (our first of the year), and I managed to squeeze in one last post before the end of the month. All is right with the world.
1 comment:
what a wonderful thing to be able to blog on the internet. I really liked what you had to say. I think you are wonderful.
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