Yesterday I went to WalMart to buy some yarn needles to finish my knitting projects (I needed to weave all the loose ends into the body of each piece). I purchased the needles. I came home to put them away. And now, less than 24 hours later, I have no idea where they are.
In October, I double booked our weekend. We were supposed to travel as a family to Seattle where we would see my older brother and his family as well as my Dad and Cheri (about a five hour drive). We had this planned for weeks. We also had the children's sacrament meeting program upcoming. All of my kids had parts and the boys had especially large talks to give (a few paragraphs as opposed to one line). The bishop even called and asked if I would offer the closing prayer. I cheerfully accepted. Then one of my friends called to ask if I would substitute teach her primary class for two weeks. I said that I could as long as it wasn't this coming Sunday as I was driving to Seattle. "What about the program?" she asks. Wow. I forgot. I didn't realize. How could I have double booked this weekend? I'd been talking about the two events in tandem failing to realize that the dates, Oct 19 -21, included the Sunday of the primary program. We ended up making the drive up Friday night and returning home at 12:30am on Sunday morning.
A few days ago I prepared our tithing envelope. Because of Stake Conference, I won't be able to turn it in this weekend. Also, the envelope has some cash in it so I didn't want to leave it lying in my purse for the next two weeks. I put it some place safe, some place that made sense. I remember being quite deliberate about it because of the cash. Now, I haven't the darndest clue as to where that envelope is. I've cleaned off my desk, I've looked through the piles on my dresser and even emptied my purse (though I'm quite certain that I remember that I didn't want to put it there). I can't find it.
Further, Robert gave me $100 cash to pay on our credit card. He gave it to me at dinner. I remember thinking of where to put the cash until I could deposit it. I forgot all about it and now, two days later, I can't remember where it is.
I didn't like Rhys' school pictures this year so we were going to get retakes. The retake day was announced as November 1st. I thought that I could make it through Halloween and then focus on the pictures. The evening on Halloween, it finally dawned on me that this was the last day of October, that retakes were the next day and my son had severely chapped lips and long hair because I hadn't scheduled a trip to the barber and that the shirt he wanted to wear wasn't clean. We kept the original photos.
I don't remember when I leave home if I turned the oven off or left it on. I am sure of the day planned only to discover there are meetings that I have forgotten or, yet again, double booked. I know there was another, perhaps even humorous, anecdote that I wanted to pass on, but I have forgotten that too. I thank God that someday I will be resurrected, all my brain cells will be returned and fully functioning and I will finally be able to remember what happened in the last minute.
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