I dropped them off in their classrooms, helped Quinn put away his supplies, both boys hugged me and kissed me (Quinn a little bit more than Rhys) and then I said goodbye. I didn't cry. I didn't even technically tear up. But that lump is in my throat and my chest. And while my home is so blessedly quiet, I miss my boys. I'm sure this will pass,
Meanwhile, Lulu and I will be having "Home Sweet Homeschool" aka reading lessons and playing Barbies. Not much duality of emotion on my end with that. She starts Pre-K on Monday and I'm sure I'll be back here crying and whining and wasting my first few hours of silent daylight.
Wow! Your boys are looking very different these days!?!
Yay...for having mommy and EmmaLou time!! I am sure she is loving it :)
I think your mother is right...we as mothers do wear our hearts on our sleeves.
sound to me like you need one more little mouse to fill that nest of yours. Where do the kids go? Why do they grow fast? Yet, we do love school...sweet school! xoxo
I still have a hard time when I drop Max off at preschool.
As nice as it is to be able to go shopping by myself, I miss having my little buddy around.
I'm still talking to the empty back seat of the car.
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