I have my period today. Had it yesterday too. Even on Saturday when I was painting my house. To complicate matters, I have a yeast infection as well. Happy, happy, joy, joy! So I bought one of those "one day ovules" on Saturday morning (love those things by the way, cannot sing its praises enough!) only to realize later in the day that Aunt Flo had come to visit. Most of the yeast treatment "washed" out. I really dislike goo and being messy. My SIL Mia assures me that Aunt Flo will do some housekeeping of her own and that the infection should be gone when she leaves. All I know is that I'm miserable with pads.
"O tampons, how I love thee!" I could write a sonnet. I miss them. I've been gazing longingly at my package of tampons sitting on the shelf. I hate pads. I hate the feeling of oozing. I hate having to wear like 20 of them at once to make sure that every time I sit, stand or turn, I will be covered. I hate waking up at 5:30am feeling like I'm wearing a loaded diaper. I hate having blood all over everything.
AARRRGGGHHH!! I hate periods.
I know, you'd think after 200 of them I'd have adjusted. Apparently I am insane and I think that if I yell that them enough, they'll just stop. You have no idea how many times I have wanted to ask my OB, "So, I know that surgery is generally avoided for frivalous purposes, but I'm done havinig kids and, well, you could leave my ovaries in, so could we just yank out that uterus? I mean, it really doesn't serve any other purpose than having babies and I'm good with saying good-bye." I'm sure he'd just roll his eyes at my melodramatics and explain to why I need to keep my baby muscle despite it's lack of use and why periods are a good thing.
Bah! Lies, I tell you, all lies!
And I'm cranky. Can you tell?
I get hot and then freezing cold.
My children saying, "Mom!" is like nails on a chalkboard.
"MOooom! What's for lunch?"
Thinking to myself, "You want lunch? I'll tell you what's for lunch. You can just...."
But then Glenda the Good Witch sits on my shoulder, reminds me I am their mother and I am responsible for their continued health and well-being and I acutally say, "Hey Quinn, how bought you make PBJs for everyone?"
Ooh, excitement! Problem solved and I go back to bed, throw the covers over my head and pretend my existence has been blotted out.
There's not enough chocolate in the world to cure this.
And my house is yellow? Did I mention that?
Grrrrr! Okay, this is just getting less and less constructive. I'm going back to blotting out my existence. I'll take 4 ibruprofen and call y'all in the morning.
I am SOOO with you on the menstrual thing. What a crock it is! I have periods like to describe - waking up at 4:30, shifting my weight, and worrying about the slosh. (EGAD - TMI!) Thankfully, I'm having less of those. I can only hope that I get early-onset menopause. I don't think Aunt Flo is fully appreciated by the opposite sex (except when they ... Read Morewant nooky). I mean, I have a full week of trying to keep it under control, not staining anything, and praying it's not odoriferous to anyone but me. Of course, there's the week before with aching breasts (as I speak...), cramps, and random headaches. That's TWO WEEKS of EVERY MONTH! And it operates 24/7 in that time period! Gaaah!
LOL! So glad I'm not alone in the hating department! I took this post down after I put it up because I thought this really was too much but then I thought that my blog is really a huge exercise, for me, in not caring what other people think.
Glad at least one person agrees!
Well, you know how I feel about this whole subject, so I won't bore you with what you already know. Thank goodness I have my OB appointment 9/26 and I will tell him to yank it out.
So as i have learned through life, the American Indian's say that women are on their "moon" and it shall be celebrated. I will celebrate like the stars are in the sky sparkling and the birds are singing for all of you wonderful women being on your moon.
WHY? will I celebrate this wonderful time? because we should embrace our womanhood love it and carry it in our hearts and be thankful that we are women so hear us roar!
Um, Lizzie, yeah, do you have a death wish? Because I know where you live...I know how deep you sleep...and I have a key to your house. Mwahahahaha!
Go Laura Go! Be uterus free! (Can you tell I'm dripping with envy?)
Uh, that last comment was made by me but Liz was signed in on my computer. Lizzie is already Uterus free.
The comment before the last comment is mine as well but I'm sure y'all can figure that out.
OK!! I think I've got everything sorted out. The last four comments were MINE!! Mine, mine mine all mine! (Crazy maniacal laugh with wide bulgy eyed look.) Darn computers.
You crack me up miss Maraiya! I too hate the goo & mess that goes along with womanhood. I have to agree with your blog here. Thanks for putiing it on your page so I didn't have to . Oh, and tampons.......pure bliss! They are life savers for sure! Throw the pads out and don't look back girl!
Periods??? Let me try to remember. I vaguely remember something annoying that showed up every once and a while--oh yah--then I had four kids and my uterus almost fell out!! how quickly we forget and live in our blissful period free lives. You know Dr B will not take yours out without just cause--maybe someone in Alaska will!!!
I am so with you. I have often thought that if we really needed to have them, a much better arrangement would be to have one big whoosh - finish with it all in about 10 minutes (conveniently deposited in the toilet). I also think that if we have to continue having them this way, we should be sent away for the duration - like in Clan of the Cave Bear and the Red Tent (we're terrible to be around anyway!). And, due to some weird anatomical stuff fixed with surgery, I only started using tampons in the last year, and I LOVE them!
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