Saturday, September 13, 2008

Witching Hour

What is it about 4/5pm that turns perfectly normal, nice, lovely children into demons from hell? No hyperbole here at all. My children can be good or fairly good all day and that the magical hour, coincidentally the hour in which I am trying to make dinner for everyone, hits and every thing falls apart.

Wednesday my children were fine. We did home work, chores, life was good. The boys and I drove a few miles to pick up Lulu who was playing at a friends house. I swear, the moment all three kids were buckled and we were on our way home (which was all a minor miracle in its own right) the bickering and hitting and whining began.

"Please stop singing."

"I can do what ever I want."

"Please stop."


"Please stop."

Emphatic shaking of the head.

"Okay, then when we get home, I get to take you down to the ground because I asked you to stop three times and you wouldn't."

"No you don't."


ARGH!! (That would be me silently screaming.)

But then I hit the highway, cranked up my good ol' 255 A/C unit (roll down two front windows and drive 55mph) and I couldn't only hear, "blah, blah, blah" as quiet murmurs.

I may never get the real air conditioning fixed.


Bored in Vernal said...

That's what the radio's for.

Shelby said...

ditto. I also tell my kids that if they keep screaming the police are not going to be happy with them. it may not make them stop yelling all together but they stop for a second and think about what I said. I get a chuckle looking at their worried faces in the rear-view mirror.

Stefanie said...

I love this, it's so true! Dave Barry said that watching kids isn't too hard, really.. it's trying to do anything else while watching kids that is the impossible part!
PS. thanks for the nice comment! I like comfy old shoes. Can I be flip flops? It made my day!
PPS. You speak blogger--- what does "ling" mean? THANKS!

M said...

Stef - Thanks for the compliment but I have no idea how much "blogger" I speak. Ask BiV. She's the expert. But to make an attempt, what was the context?

M said...

BiV - I'm not a big fan of the radio. In fact, when I drive by myself, I usually just drive in silence. It's lack of sound that I crave and the radio just seems to add to the cacophony.

Shelby - I try and minimize the police threats and I already use those on the kids with regards to their car seats and seat belts. Much to Robert's dismay though as any time he tries to go seat belt-less, the children catch him and remind him that he needs to put it on!

Alexa said...

There's no hope for the witching hour?! I thought kids grew out of it. Oh, good, Lord!

M said...

Yeah, I don't think the witching hour never ends because if I were fully honest, I get just as short and cranky as the kids. Then again, mine could be in reaction to the kids....