Anyone still there?
Can you believe I haven't blogged for, like, ever?
If you'd been in my head, you would have had more blogging than necessary but I'm guessing that none of you are the voices that live there? [Unless you are....are you?]
What to blog....what to blog....
Rhys' team took second place in their Elementary Water Polo Tournament and Rhys got a taste for how nasty water polo could be.
Dad: Hey Rhys, I saw you elbow that kid in the stomach.
Rhys: He wouldn't get off me!!
Rhys came out of the last game with red marks galore. But he still wants to play this spring.
Quinn will be testing for his blue belt in Tae Kwon Do in a few weeks. We've also discovered that there is quite a bit of scar tissue on his ears from the two sets of tubes he received but according to the audiologist (we went yesterday) he still manages to hear just fine. He also nearly beat me at Othello. He is wicked smart!
Lulu is sassy as ever and so in love with shoes. I bought three pairs (all thanks to Lizzie because I am so not a shoe hound) that were on clearance (I do love a good bargain) for only $4 each. Lulu was excited.
Lulu: Mom, what kind of shoes are these?
Me: They're just flip flops.
Lulu: Ooh, what kind of flip flops?
Me: Pretty ones.
Lulu: Here, put them the other one. Oh, those are great.
Lulu: (standing at the door to my room) Come here Mom! (to the boys) Aren't these great shoes?
Two of my shoes are the same style but one is plain black and the other is faux snake skin. She wasn't impressed with the black ones but said, about the snake skin ones, "These look really good on me.
Seriously. Where did she get this gene? I had one pair of dress shoes up until a few months ago and those shoes were left over from when I worked full time so they were, ummmm, 8 year old (and they looked about 20). When I was a senior in high school, I didn't own a single pair of shoes (try finding a size 9.5 in Juneau, Alaska in 1993. Could. not. be. done.). And now my daughter? She LOVES shoes. Loves them.
And....because I've been storing this since the middle of October...

I MET SHERI DEW!!! (And yes, that is about as good as her smile gets.)
She is so my favorite LDS woman. I LOVE her. She has such a fabulous testimony and perspective.
I went to Time Out For Women in Portland in October, mainly because Sheri Dew and Chieko Okasaki would be there (met her too). At the end of the seminar, I whipped out of my seat and stood next to Sister Dew. She finally finished her conversation and turned to me.
Instant tears.
Yeah, I'm so classy.
Yeah. I know. Don't you wish I would stalk you?
Sister Dew had clearly been through all this too many times in the past and, with the line stretching out behind me to meet her, wasn't quite as thrilled to meet me but it was a fun moment. I can die happy now.
Ummm...hmm..what else to say....
Anyone wanna see the shoes?
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