This one involved Sylvester Stallone as my love

At some point too Sean asks Sly about getting remarried and having more family. Sly says, "Well, I know just who I want to have a baby girl with but she won't marry me."
So, we're travelling. The roads are very hilly and have obstacles (mud pits) almost like a BMX track for cars. You also have the option at one point of leaving the roads and driving in the air. We stayed on the ground.

We come to a widening in the round (a big round spot, like a cul-de-sac but it has a road in and out). Suddenly, we're surrounded my cars. Men with guns come piling out. Betty gets killed and I get taken hostage and we're outta there.
Of course Sly comes to get me! He's just a step or two behind the kidnappers. He ends up killing a bunch of them (shooting them). For some reason Sean is now dressed as Spiderman but it's clear that it's just a costume. (If I were really talented, I'd photoshop a costume onto the boy above but I'm have no idea how.)
Then a bunch of kids come through, all dressed as Spiderman. Sly has been and gone looking for me and there's all these dead bodies. The kids enter, all ready to fight, only to find just dead bodies. Somehow I'm there too and my kids are because I keep covering up their eyes and wondering why I'm allowing them to watch this movie.
Then Quinn woke me up crying because Jenny scratched him.
I think I prefer the mundane reality.
(Then again, maybe if I had another male lead and a story line that didn't involve quite so much killing....)
I'm just wondering why you stayed on the ground.
I would have totally opted for driving in the air.
But then again, I'm weird.
I totally would have too! But Sly was driving and well, even dream men don't listen too well to women.
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