"Um, yeah, we do. Crap." I replied.
I then began to carry forth on all our family traditions and good times. I bought eggs for dying and the dye kits (that was easy - I even let the kids pick them out instead of just buying the cheapest one). The goodies were a little harder to get (what with trying to lie and propagate the myth of the Easter Bunny) but I finally managed to pawn my kids of on Lizzie and go to the store. (The Saturday morning before Easter Sunday, mind you.)
Then we went to an Easter Egg Hunt at a park. We came home (after 3 hours of waiting, hunting, bounce housing and winning raffles) and I was exhausted. I collapsed and took a nap. We had take out and then dyed eggs. It was 9pm by the time the kids were in bed. Then I had to make the basket (I only did one this year) and wrote up clues for a treasure hunt. It was well after midnight by the time I picked up the house and went to bed.
The kids were up bright and early! Egads. I surfaced at about 7am and we did the hunt. After we found the basket, I realized that not once this whole weekend (Good Friday was the Cub Scout Pinewood Derby) had we discussed Jesus. Not once. So I made a mention but then it was time to get ready for church.
I somehow made it through sacrament, went out to the comfy chairs in the lobby and slept through Sunday School and then slept in Relief Society. When we got home, it was off to Grandpa's house for the family egg hunt and lunner.
By the time we got home, 6pm, I was so exhausted I told the kids, "You know your bedtimes, get ready for bed, watch a movie and go to bed at the right time," and then I went to sleep. I slept straight through until 7am.
the point of this very long tale?
Being a single parent SUCKS! I have no idea how people do this year after year, holiday after holiday. I will say, in hindsight, I have learned that prioritizing is a must. I was so dismayed to find that my children and I had talked very little about the atonement, cruxifiction and resurrection. I know they got some of that in church but I view church lessons as supplemental not primary. (HA! Pun not intended.) I was also dismayed that I was so exhausted that Easter Sunday became more something I had to get through instead of something I could enjoy.
God willing I will never have to go this alone again. But, if I do, I think I would cut out more of the secular and let things fall by the wayside and opt for more spiritual lessons and more sleep for Mom.
My kids were happy; they got loads of candy and good stuff and at this point in their lives, that seems to be the best part of Easter. And I think that's why my lack of presenting the other side to this holiday bothers me; as a parent, I don't think I will ever stop worrying about my children's spiritual development and wanting to do all I can to help it.
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