Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What Were My Parents Thinking?

They named me Maraiya and taught me that my name meant wind. My mom was even specific enough to say, "the east wind of destruction that purifies the land before Christ comes." I have no idea what her source was but such was the indoctrination of my youth.

Then, when I was six, they moved us to a place where the wind blows. Oh how it blows - right off the glaciers at 100+mph, strong gusts that can knock you over or carry you a few feet if you happen to have cardboard wings attached to your arms. (Not me, my older brother.) Winds that make boats in the harbor rock and birds take to the skies without ever flapping their wings.

Seriously, what were they thinking? Because I, Leo that I am, can never seem to shake the feeling that I am the one creating all this wind. As a kid I used to say all sorts of "spells" to get the winds to stop or gust up and blow from certain directions. And now, as a 34yo adult, I can't walk through such gusty winds without thinking in my heart, "Ah yeah - I did this, " and cackling maniacally. (And boy, can I cackle - I've scared my kids a time or two - does that count as a spiritual gift? talent?)


Jillybean said...

So you must be the one who knocked over our garbage can last night.

Thanks a bunch.

Glad to see you back!

K-Dub said...

I remember how *enchanted* Dr. Bob was with your name!