Also, simply because I've wanted to say this but haven't known how to work it in (I've found that sometimes I've just got to blurt things out and then just deal with the awkwardness/silence/sudden-realization-that-I should-have-kept-my-mouth-shut after the fact instead of worrying about it), my profile says that I live in Azerbaijan (had to check for correct spelling) because I just love the way the word rolls of my tongue. Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan. Say that 10 times fast. Much prettier than Orygun. Woo. Hoo. Azerbaijan. Yea! Feel the difference? My mouth does. Also, I find it romantic to think of living and lying on a the shores of the Caspian Sea (too much CS Lewis perhaps). *sigh* Someday I hope to be a little less of a romantic but until then...Azerbaijan. Clearly, though,I don't live there. I think I might be exiled if I did for my aforementioned just blurting things out even when maybe, or decidedly, I shouldn't. God knew what He was doing when He sent me to a free country in a time when women had more liberties than ever before. Also, back on the Azerbaijan thing, my husband is absolutely paranoid about me having a blog. He had to think and consider for a while before he would let me keep it. (It's always easier to ask forgiveness than permission.) There were a few days when I thought I would have to delete it but he's been a good sport - even about the redneck posting. (Speaking of which, the camper almost, almost, got moved on Sunday but the weather has been precarious all week - hail, snow, ice, rain, sun - and our friend backed out at the last minute. *sigh*)
Also, my job tends to reflect however I'm feeling about being a SAHM. Initially I posted that I was in accounting, in deference to my actual paying job for my dad, but I realized that that job doesn't really consume that much of my time, talents or mind so I changed the description. First I was into security as that is how I felt while watching Lulu and Jeremiah together. Jeremiah is known for his adventurous personality and my darling daughter is never one to turn down an opportunity that looks like too much fun. I stopped watching Jeremiah in early February and Lulu, being bored, now hangs out with me a lot. Net result, less free time for me, but less wall murals and broken blinds.
Currently, in my attempts to be optimistic (although Julie agreed with me in my assessment that sarcastic optimism is really pessimism so clearly, I'm not quite there. Yet. Hope springs eternal.) I have changed my industry to Human Resources as I am creating the best of humans to be a future resource to the world - God willing. That's my spin anyway.
As to any further information on my user profile, I go through spurts of bravery (when all sorts of information can be found) to waves of cowardice and shyness when nothing can be found (current state). Oh well, keep 'em guessing I always say. That's my spin anyway.
As to anything real. I'm doing okay. These happy pills, as I've taken to calling them, are interesting. There's no doubt in my mind that they are helping tremendously but it's hard to know if it's too much or not enough or just right. There are the pesky side effects (nausea, somnolence, anorgasmia - really don't like that one!). There is the fact that all of this is subjective and not able to be established in cold, hard facts. How I long for a blood test that would say: "Yep, your happiness level is below normal, we'll just help that along with some medication....Oh say now, you've improved! But, it's still a bit below normal, we'll add more meds....Oh, sorry, apparently that was a bit much, so we'll need to cut back." This is not as cut and dried as cholesterol but is just as life affecting.
Other than that, life is a normal routine of school (SPRING BREAK IS OVER -- EVERYONE CHEER!!! :) ), dishes, preparing meals, laundry, cleaning, Parent Club (crikey, I'll still have to type the minutes from the meeting on the 12th!), Cub Scouts (Pinewood Derby on Friday) and church. There was a visit to the Castle with my bff Liz (thanks for your STERLING comment! - although you failed to mention a miracle I could accomplish in the next year) on Saturday to help with the aforementioned happy pill side effect. The visit was illuminating - did you know that they make inflatable sheep that baa?! Far be it from to comment on someone else's, er, "nocturnal entertainments," but that was a bit much for me. (So, no, I didn't bring one home for us.) But that visit aside, life is what it is. Just living, enduring, is worth so much.
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