I just found out that I am preggers! Yea! Rob is being a wee bit grumpy about the whole matter; (something about no room and where the heck are we going to put a baby?!) but I am uber excited. I'm hoping for a sister for Emmalou but secretly, in the sickest part of my brain, I am hoping for twins so that this one will have a buddy (as Robert will ensure this never happens again, even if that requires lifelong abstinence). Oh well, we'll see what the future brings. The baby should be due in Nov/Dec. (I'm trying not to be too exact as my babies run later. And later. And later. And I'm really just hoping not to birth an elephant.) I know, so much for that summer baby but surprise are, well, surprises.
Congratulations!! What exciting news for your family. I just wanted you to know that I read your post on ubbidubbi and I understood it all without having to use the translator (though I did have to read it out loud, and my 9-yr-old daughter is looking at me strangely.)
Congratulation! I know you have been wanting another baby for quite some time. It's amazing how life works out. I can hardly wait to be back in Oregon and see the new addition.
Rob will come around in time. I have a feeling he will probably start being more excited about the baby than you, if that is possible.
I too was able to read the ubbidubbi without translation, not that hard when you figure out the first words or so.
Okay, now I feel a wee bit like a cretin. Two fabulous comments and no one picked up on the date. I wanted to post something for April Fool's (even though I am the biggest sucker on the planet) and at 9:30 at night, this seemed fabulous.
So, have a chuckle. Please forgive me and know that our family will, miracles aside, be stuck at 3.
oooooo you are so bad!
I read this three times, just to make sure that you were joking!! i am so unsure...still....i know you were joking...right?!?
Mia, I think you were confused because you were reading on sheer exhaustion!!! Yes, I was kidding. Okay, those are the secret longings of my heart, but they won't be fulfilled in this life (visit from an angel notwithstanding). Love you and I hope you survive this food storage thing.
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