So, I need to list 7 blogs that I myself adore. Well, isn't the point of my blog roll? I really do like each and every blog listed on there. But I suppose I'll go out on a limb here and dole out a few awards myself. I can't wait to see who puts this up on their blog!
Trevor, Stefanie and the Munchkins - unfortunately for you, this blog is by invitation only. How lucky am I? I'll put a link up in case she ever decides to go public. Steffie makes me laugh. A lot. She's quirky and has even stalked the house that was in the Goonies on a recent trip to Astoria. She talks about Big Foot and posts pictures of her kids that are so scary, they run away from them! Her tag line? "If only this blog were scratch n' sniff, oh what a blog it would be!" Yeah, she totally gets an award. ***HEY - Stefanie just started a public blog. Come read!
The Lawsons Did Dallas - This woman makes me snort water out my nose on a regular basis. Holy Hannah but she's hilarious and now she's preggo so I'm expecting (ha ha) several months of non-stop hilarity. My favorite post? The one about her near-death experience. Everyone I have even paraphrased this blog to has died laughing.
Navel Gazing At Its Finest - I hate to give Sue another award or accolade because she gets so many but seriously, she's funny and sweet and sincere and honest with all her quirks. She's the woman you wish you had living next door.
Young Stranger - His voice is one of the most beautiful I have ever read. He has such a wonderful, kind and generous way of saying things that even if you don't agree, you are not offended and instead long to know him as your friend.
Hieing to Kolob - I love the subjects BiV examines, her ability to mesh all of her many facets together in one and her honesty in the fact that said meshing is not always easy.
Zillah's Gin - I still haven't quite figured out why I love this one, but I do. Maybe it's her phobia of large bugs (soo there), love of books (mmhmmm) and bouts with depression (raising both my hands in the air). Maybe it's her eloquence. I don't know but I love reading what she has to say.
Echo's Tree and My Little Family - These are both dear friends of mine (the latter is also my SIL) but they are two that I check compulsively, willing new posts to appear. Alexa's is a beautiful reflection on where she has been, where she is, where she is headed and all the joy along the way. She has given me great moments to reflect on my own life. Mia's is full of her family quirks and odd happenings that make me chuckle. Even better, I love reading what my brother has to say because, well, he rarely talks and I love the rare glimpses into his soul. Like the fact that he quoted the theme song to The Facts of Life. Seriously.
So, I heart your blogs. Dearly. Keep writing friends or I'll have to go back to reading what I've written and there are days when that is just painful!
Oh, and the rules are that you are supposed to nominate 7 blogs that you love but I say, "Rules, schmools." Do what ever you want. Take the prize and run screaming from the building, "I'm the favorite! I'm the best! I'm not sharing!" Do it naked for all I care. Just be sure to post photos so I can laugh.
Oh, thanks! That made my day!
awww..... awwwwww, I'm feelin the love! Thank You!
And I heart your blog! Thanks so much! Have I told you enough how amazing your writing has become that you believe it? You totally rock!
So I may not think your funny all the time BUT your are always a "HOT MAMA"
I'm beginning to remember why you're the BFF. ;)
oh thank you thank you thank you! this award really made my whole week. and i heart your blog too, along with your bathroom sink!
i am feeling some serious love right now.
ps: you love my blog because of all of the spanking pictures.
Alexa - ask me on a day when I'm not having hoohah issues. When the hormones are good, I can believe it. I can even proclaim it. When the hormones are bad, I will just come read this comment over and over again!
Zillah - Thanks! NOW I know why I love your blog. (And everyone else knows about my spanking predilection.) ;)
Congrats on the awards! You totally deserve it!
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