I was, in the late 80's, early 90's (as in 1990) madly in love with New Kids on the Block. There. My deepest, darkest secret now out for all of you to mock. I had a huge crush on Jordan. (For those of you pretending to not be in the know, he's the guy in the middle with the red jacket.) I wrote letters. I joined their fan club. I sent mix tapes. (Which was a mighty huge declaration of love back then!) Somewhere, I'll have to post them when I find them, I have pictures of my room which was really more of a shrine built in their honor. I had a huge, HUGE string of pop-tabs that I intended to give Jordan (heh heh heh). I even had a poster of him right above my bed on the ceiling so I could gaze into his eyes every knight. (I'm cracking myself up here!) I had a key chain with Jordan's photo on it that I would carry ev.ery.where. My adored stuffed animal whom I slept with every night was named "Vampo," short for vampire because Jordan had wicked canine teeth. So not making this up. (But maybe this does explain my current fascination with vampires....hmmm....)
Anyway, apparently they're making a comeback. They played in the Mall of America in August. I

Then again, I don't know how much better I could have done. We Wanna Be Famous Again? Let's Croon Again, Like We Did Last Summer? Party Like It's 1989? The Boys Have Become Men? This is tricky....Any ideas out there?
I really am trying to be kind but my 33yo self is having too much fun mocking the passions of my 14yo self.
Oh...Donnie, Jordan, Jonathan, Danny and Joey-Joe (I actually remembered the names-no joke!) Because, I too was a NKOTB fan! I, too, LOVED Jordan. In fact I went through a period when I preferred to be called 'Mrs. Knight' between my fellow NKOTB girlfriends. Oh yes, there five of us friends and five "boys from the block", coincidence? I think not. We would have sleepovers and do the dances, we loved the Hangin' Tough dance...I can still here it in my head.. "OOh..OOh..OOh..OOh..OOh, Hangin' Tough" (arms swingin side to side, you know your doing the same move right now, bobbin' your head!) I had the keyrings, t-shirts, posters, lunch box...etc.
Funny story: I was able to see them in concert at the Forum in Los Angeles (the old home to the Los Angeles Lakers) there were over 20,000 screaming girls (I'm sure a few boys in that group too) My mom took me and then she waited the whole concert in the "parents lounge" (what the hell was she thinking? seriously letting your 12year old daughter go to a concert virtually 'alone'? She still gets razzed for that one!) It was a place that parents could sit, view the show without all the blood curdling screams and wait for all the madness to be over. Anyhow, 2 hours (the best 2 hours of this 12 year olds life) passed and I get reunited with my mom,I was exhausted, still on a 'NKOTB high', with no voice...but, I manage to ask her, "Mom, did you hear me scream?". Seriously, what was I thinking? Was my scream any different from the other 19,999? I have gotten razzed about that one for my whole life! Good times!
But, I think I will be sitting this next phase of the NKOTB out. Once in a girls lifetime is enough.
Ah come one - you know you wanna....
And Jordan, with those freaky eyebrows...Rrrrr.
Lol. Eew. He just creeps me out now!
I love it! Since I knew this about you, every time I hear the New Kids mentioned . . . I think of you! Which is always so nice. BTW - I am hugely snobby when it comes to star-crushes, but I honestly think Mark Wahlberg (oh, Marky Mark) is one of the hottest out there, and his brother's not so bad either.
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