Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Days Are Here Again

Forget happy pills, all I need is Robert.

We picked him up from the airport yesterday (he'll be here for the next three days for Quinn's birthday - today - and baptism - Thursday) and I haven't stopped smiling.

I'm so happy that after so many years, we've finally arrived at a place where we have considerably more good days than bad; a place where I am happy to call him my husband and he genuinely makes every day better just by existing.

Of course, his existing somewhere where I can actually touch him is a big plus!


Zillah said...

hooray! (and i heart heart heart your blog design...)

Suburban Correspondent said...


Now, could you make the print on your blog even tinier? I could still read it.

Lena's Mom said...

I hope you guys have a great time. Tell Quinn Happy Birthday for me.

M said...

Z - Thank you! I think it's prettier than the yellow although the yellow made me sit up and smile!

Shauna - Welcome and thank you! Compliments are always readily accepted (read: keep 'em coming).

SC - do you see how I fixed the problem. My, er, young eyes failed to pick up on how tiny it was!

Lola - I will do so. I hope you guys are well and fitting into your new home.