Now apparently, much to my amazement, not all women out there will understand that last statement. Normally when I have to do the naked thing for my OB, I get all nervous and start sweating EVERYWHERE and blushing (which is no good because I'm terribly fair skinned and it all shows) and getting nervous that I'm going to fart while the OB is down there.
But today - none of that. I just laid there calmly, chatting about our move and my happy pills. No sweating. No odiferous bombs below. It was FABULOUS!
Well, as fabulous as those appointments can be.....
Oh...what's that?
Oh, you mean you were expecting me to tell you the cost of shipping the package to my husband?
The package that I was supposed to send priority mail but turns out,

Okay, Jillybean, Lizzie and Lola (since you're the three who bothered to guess) it was......
drumroll please
I am so NOT kidding.
If I'm reading this receipt right, the weight alone (5lbs 10.6oz) was $10.11 but the size, THE SIZE, cost me $79.13. Seriously.
Anyway, I guess Lola wins (1,583 bonus points! Way to go! Only 43,097,982 left until you get your prize!) as she was the closest with her bid of $60; I was only thinking $50.
This is why we're packing everything on a barge, because at these postal rates, 30 cents per pound is butt cheap.
And for those who don't read comments (cough - Mia), the box is full of fishing rods (no reels).
Wouldn't it be cheaper to get new fishing rods?
Ordinarily yes but these were blanks (just long, superbly crafted sticks) and my husband actually makes the rod (eyelets, etc.). It's a hobby. It's makes him happy. Who am I to question? I figure I'll just remind him of all of this the next time I need to spend an outrageous sum on books, scrapbooking or some other wild hair. [who knows - maybe even knitting! :)]
You didn't sweat at the OB's office,(congratulations) however, what I want to know is, did you sweat when you found out how much the shipping would be for the package?
Last month I had to overnight a small package to Pennyslvania on a weekend.
It was under one pound........$77.00!!!
My brother used to work for a shipping company. Someone had to get something to Russia in a hurry. He told them it would be cheaper if they bought a round trip plane ticket and flew it there themselves.
And on an unrelated note, when you move to Alaska, will you be able to see Russia from your house?
No. I didn't sweat at the post office. I do think I fainted though. I can't be sure. Blackouts are always tricky that way.
It's good to know that exorbitant shipping costs are not limited to Alaska alone, I'm all for spreading the misery.
And yes, I will see Russia from my house. I will wave and smile and "Dasvidanya." I know that's misspelled and that it means goodbye but it's the only bit of Russian I know.
(Actually, I'll be just about as far removed from Russia as one can be and still be in the state of Alaska.)
I did not know that about Alaska and Russia. I will consider that my education for the day :)
Congrats on going to your when you move here you can take/make me go.
Thanks Alanna. New visitors are always, ALWAYS welcome. In fact, I may stalk you!
As for comments, well, comments are really crack disguised so I encourage you to leave many. Frequently.
As to what to say, "You're stunning," and "You're frighteningly witty!" are always welcome. Feel free to branch out in these veins on your own!
I am with you - can't stand the new postal regulations and the whole "we'll tell you how much a size should weigh." Whatever. At Christmas, the postman (all of whom I adore, really) told me I should put more in the box when I was shocked about the price.
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