It's been awhile.
I'd like to say that I have a valid excuse.
I'd like to blame it all on my current Facebook addition with the games Mafia and Fashion Wars. And while they have sucked up a great deal of my time (who knew it would take so much effort just to click a few buttons?), I would still have time to blog. So that's not it.
I'd like to blame it on my single-mother status with three children: school; lice checks; PTO; church; choir (not that I've made it to that even once this year!); laundry; dishes; laundry; dishes; laundry; dishes; laundry....well, you get the point. But no, clearly I have time even after all that or maybe because some of it (cough- laundry) I only do when the whining of "I have no clean socks," just gets to be too much. So that's not it.
Hmmm...could it be that I've been sick? No, I've actually finally recovered from my bronchitis and mucous overload; I can hear fairly well and have excellent bladder control. My children have even been healthy. (Please, God, that's not meant as a challenge!) So that's not it.
I'd like to blame it on the fact that my new super fast and sleek lap top got a virus and has been very sick requiring two visits to her doctor and now, she'll have to be completely redone. Having to work on our old dinosaur (a whole 6 years old) is so S.L.O.W. and tedious but still, the work does get done. So that's not it.
I'd like to say that it's because February has ended and sweeps are over and the ad dollars are accounted for (I didn't get any) and all new programming will be delayed until May when I may possibly rake in some of those big bucks. But we all know that's not going to happen and really, I didn't post all that much in February any way. So that's not it.
I'd like to say that it's because I've been in an overwhelming funk requiring more of my anti-depressant medication as the black hole of February sucked me into it's numbing depths. True, all too true, but nonetheless, I managed to mail Rob's package without a grand mal seizure so you'd think I could rattle of a blurb or two now and then. So that's not it.
I'd like to say that it's because of the trauma of doing my taxes, having them rejected because I got one digit in my son's ssn wrong and then thinking I'd refiled them (we were counting on the money to fill in the gaps while Robert builds the business up north; you know, for silly things like our mortgage payment) only to find out that I didn't really refile them and then finally getting them refiled and accepted last week. But really, I forgot all about my taxes until I suddenly remembered, "Hey - where's that money that's supposed to be helping us?" So that's not it.
Really, the reason is that I have no brilliant ideas. I'm FULL of them while I'm in the shower or otherwise unavailable to type: scathing rants; hilarious anecdotes; and insightful comments on our lives and society.
But when the time comes to type it all on the blank screen...

So, I've been on a hiatus of sorts. A brain melting, non-thinking, "How the heck did it end up being March 15 already?" kind of hiatus.
Here's to getting some brain function back.
Girl, I totally hear you on getting some brain function back! I would love to actually do something with all the posts I've started that are just sitting there waiting for me to do something at least semi-interesting to them!
Oh, and where's the Diet Pepsi you promised? :)
EWW...taxes. I accidentally sent my state taxes in on the 2007 form (where the heck did I get that?) so they sent them back to me and now I have to refile.
Excuses...excuses, that's all we get from you. *sigh* me on the other hand have NO excuses for my blog delays...haha.
I hear you. I've been racking my brain for the last week to come up with something bloggable, but nothing.
Until last night when Max started saying that he couldn't drink his milk because it was making sounds.
But now I'm back to having nothing to write about.
Melissa - The diet pepsi?'s in the mail! Right along with my check from the IRS.
Karen - That. totally. sucks. I'm so sorry. Maybe someone stuffed a 2008 instruction book with the wrong form. My question is, have there really been any changes between the two years?
Mia - I know. I really should just blame it all on my brother. ;)
Jilly - lol. Perhaps you should just put together a box of potentially hazardous things (slime, glue, scissors) and give them to Max and see what happens; I'm sure it will be something bloggable!
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