Perhaps this forever brands me as a pessimist but today is my least favorite day of the year for the simple reason that the days will from this moment on grow ever shorter until December 21st (which, coincidentally is my favorite day of the year) when they grow longer again. I love the long days and I miss them in the winter. I suppose it doesn't matter quite as much now but growing up in Alaska it was always comforting to know that even if my plane home from college didn't get in until 10:30pm, it would still be light enough to see everything that had changed or remained the same in my absence. Conversely, in the winter, I couldn't turn on enough lights.
I have always wanted to travel to Barrow, Alaska, or somewhere above the Arctic Circle, and live there through three months of undying sun. I don't care if it rained or not, just the daylight is enough. Someday. However, today I mourn (just a bit) as I watch the day slowly die one minute at a time for the next six months.
Maraiya you beat me to it! I am also in agreeance of the least fav. day of the year. i hate knowing that my sun will show it's light less and less as the days go on.
wow - we have something in common? besides our labs? :)
I had no idea we shared this. When you get back to town we will have to have a memorial party.
I agree. Yesterday I went out in the back yard with the kids and let them play until well after dark. I think I was just trying to squeeze out every last bit of sunlight I could.
It drives me crazy that the days will now be getting shorter. I keep thinking of the lack of sunshine six months from now, when the sun goes down well before dinner time.
Summer is my favorite time of year.
Jill - you know what's odd? Winter is actually my favorite season. I love the storms and eating soup and drinking hot cocoa. But I don't like all the darkness. I miss the light.
Maybe it is because i live in Alaska...that is doesnt seem to matter that the sun will shine a little less every day. (we can not tell at all...lol) I look forward to the dark days...it is so much fun having snowball fights in the dark!!
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