I did wake him up briefly at 10:30am to give him his card with a picture of our new grill - our old one is so bad that he took off the last bit of grill that hadn't rusted through and was using it over a fire pit in the back yard to cook steaks - but no actual grill as I didn't want to lift it, wanted to surprise him and thought he'd prefer not having to assemble it. It should be ready for pickup on Thursday but I think he's going to pick it up tomorrow as he'd rather have the grill NOW than wait.
Back to the point of this post - me and all my hard work. I tended the kids (read: I let the kids watch TV all morning - hey it was good stuff, Liken, Living Scriptures and no Zathura no matter how many times they asked), I fed them breakfast (Read: I let the kids eat all the cereal and Poptarts their little hearts fancied.), while I watched Sense and Sensibility, the BBC version. Kids happy, Mom happy, Dad happy, it's a win/win/win; Stephen Covey would be so proud! I did get motivated around noon to make lunch, which was actually breakfast - eggs, bacon and pancakes.
Lulu cracked the eggs (I should have gotten a picture). I had egg gook and shells all over the counter, a dozen eggs and countless bits of shell in a glass bowl. I whirled it all up and let it sit and I think most of the shells drifted toward the bottom. The eggs had a bit more texture but nothing large enough as to actually crunch on my teeth.
Quinn tended the bacon. I, however, forgot to put a plate under the grease hole (our dripping pan is broken) and was left with this:

So Robert woke up to a plateful of two over easy eggs ("They weren't over easy, they were over HARD!" interjects Robert whilst I type. Okay, they were a little overcooked but I was trying to read blogs and cook at the same time; why waste time when you can multi-task?), two pieces of toast, and all but 4 pieces of bacon out of the 1 lb. package (not including, of course, the bacon I ate while cooking).
Robert spent a few hours with his dad while the kids and I stayed home and thought about cleaning up a bit. I think we finally did at about 4pm, coincidentally just moments before Robert walked in the door; I've got this SAHM thing down to a science! We watched the Jimmy Neutron Movie as a family (read: we sat together on a couch while everyone watched this movie for the umpteenth time and I slept. My daughter actually patted my cheek because I started to snore) and then went to Liz's house for ice cream floats. And yes, we still hadn't eaten dinner. (The kids had been snacking on pancakes all afternoon - they were fine.)
The kids played outside; Rob, Liz and I watched a show about ice truckers, meaning men who drive semi-trucks on roads made out of ice overlaying rivers and the Arctic Ocean. Soo a job I do not want! We came home and made PBJs for the kids and now here I sit.
I think the day went well, but let's hear it from the horse's mouth.
"Rob, how was your day?"
"Eh....itz okay." *sigh*
"Was there anything you liked about the day?"
"I gotta sleep....I like the other poptarts better. I threw the box up here hoping I'd have some...."
("Oops," thinks Maraiya, "I guess I shouldn't have fed them to the wolves this morning.")
"Anything else you'd like to say to my adoring fans?"
"No, I don't do blogs. I don't talk to a computer." Rustle, opening of poptarts. Silence.
Well, I guess that's that.
Seriously, my husband is fabulous. He puts up with me going slightly insane; he will wash dishes and tend the garden (even my flowers). He even loves my cat. He scares off pigeons and voluntarily hunts down nesting rats. He adds innuendo to the simplest phrases. Really. That one about me squeaking when I walked, yeah, he made a comment on that. I love him. I'm so smitten. I think I'll keep him. I'd post a picture of my handsome lover but, again with the paranoia.
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