I grew up with computers. You'd think I would know better but apparently not. My laptop bit the dust. It's dead, "Whoohoo, see ya, gone, bye-bye." That computer, while it was technically for all my work for my dad's shop, was also my personal computer. It has all my mother's journal entries that I transcribed. It has all my digital photos for the last three years. It has all
my journal entries for the last three years. It has everything. I was assured that even though the computer doesn't work, we should be able to retrieve all the data off the hard drive. No problem. Yeah, they lied. The first attempt rendered nothing other than the verdict that my hard drive is deader than a doornail. I cried. I sobbed. I blubbered all over my little brother and then my husband (blubbering long distance is not nearly as effective as the real thing). Every one is telling me that I should remain optimistic, but really? I'm not.
Moral of the story: save to an external drive. Be like Jesus - Jesus saves.
*sigh* God willing this is a lesson learned.
God willing this is just a small bump and (since this is my year of miracles) I will get everything restored to me in pristine condition.
I wouldn't reject any prayers on behalf of me and my dead computer data.
I will say a prayer for you and your computer. I learned the hard way too when my old computer crashed and I had to pay someone to retrieve all my photos and such. Now atleast once a month I transfer my photos and other important info to disc. Good luck
Oy. I learned this lesson the hard way several times. Now I don't even save my important files to the computer hard drive anymore. I save them to a really good flash drive which I then back up to my computer harddrive. For good measure, I back up the computer.
This back-up system SAVED me when my computer was stolen last winter literally the eve of teaching my American Religious Histories class. I would have lost all my lecture notes!
So sorry!
You think I would have learned after reading your story but it is what it is. I talked with my little brother (he's an IT guy who is working to free my data) and he got far enough to need a password so at least he's gotten some response from the bloody thing!
Thanks for commiserating and here's hoping!
Dead I say Dead Dead Dead! I know this lady who's husband we call "Grissom" maybe just maybe someone from that life could magically give CPR to the poor laptop, ahhh yes I shall wear black high heels when it comes back to Oregon and place an Orchid on its top! I shall cry due to all the pictures you lost Why you ask would I cry? "Cuz I am a vain and self centered women I know there is at least 1 picture of me on there! "
lol - ah, Liz, but it's good that you know you are!
Yes - I will expect fabulous black f-me pumps and an Audrey Hepburn hat and we will have a moment of silence and then I will sledgehammer the bugger to death to get rid of my grief and rage.
Sounds good (but only after we have exhausted all possible means of extracting my personal data off of the computer).
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