It would have been better if I just had a picture of the color without any texture. Ooh, a clue, I just gave you clue!
Any thoughts?
Yeah, it's our new house color. (I know. I should make you wait a day before the reveal but I just really need to blog about this.)

I hate it.
I've tried and tried. The color is gorgeous. Yes, it does remind me of sunflowers (my favorite). Yes, it is eye-catching. (A friend almost hit a pedestrian because he got blinded by our house.) Yes, it stands out from amongst the neighbors and will be most definitely noticed by people buying our home. Yes, it has now become a city landmark (even possibly for NASA). "Yeah I live on X St. just across from the yellow house. YES! That's the one!" Yes, it can glow in the dark. And yes, sometimes I look at it, when the light is just right and I can only see a small portion of the house, and I actually love the color and the house.
But most of the time, I hate it.
It is awful and bright and scary. I feel like I'm living in a crayon. Or a submarine - decorated by The Beatles. Every time I look at my house, I feel like I'm looking at a coloring page gone wrong. I can't stand to even look at my home. And someone else is supposed to want to buy it?
Maybe we won't be moving to Alaska afterall. Maybe we will really have to die in this house.
"This next home has been on the market for the last 5 years."
"Why would a home be on the market so long? Wouldn't...whoa! Ok, yeah, get it now. Can we just move on?"
And I hate knowing that we spent about $700 dollars in paint and extras plus a whole, agonizing long day (I was so butt tired last night) of painting - not just Robert and I but several of our friends (Thank you, thank you by the way!).
When we purchased the color, we were looking at yellows (I do like yellow houses). Robert wanted an even brighter color, I talked him down to this one and then suggested that maybe we buy a quart, paint it on the house and see what we think. Robert got frustrated with me and so balancing my choices (house that might turn out cute anyway versus marital discord), I let Robert go buy 5 gallons thereby sealing our fate.
After the house was painted this neon shade of yellow, I approached Robert.
"So, do you think that next time we should just buy a quart and see what we think first?" thinking for sure that he would agree.
"No. I really like the house. This is exactly the effect I was looking for."
Ach. Gag. What do you say to that?
Maybe having to rent for awhile will be a good thing.
Although I do love my bathroom.
The other side of this, why it is so amusing, is that when we first bought the house, Robert wanted everything (meaning the interior) to be white. I pushed for color and so the whole house was painted this barely off-white peach. Seriously. It was a color just this side of white on the little cards.
Apparently, after 8 years, Robert has embraced his inner color. With a vengeance. I'm laughing at the irony that now I am trying to tone down his color.
Anyway...it is what it is. The house won't be painted again until someone else buys it.
Anyone wanna buy a house?