Because I've got a lot of little bits to share but nothing that requires a whole blog post unto itself.
I'm addicted to the ads for the new ABC show "Cupid." I generally watch my tv shows online (ideally when I'm folding laundry but that doesn't always happen). The song they play during this ad is so bouncy and fun, I just start to dance. Then again, I am a sucker for all things Italian.
I think I finally get the parable of the 10 Virgins; it's only taken me 33 years but supposedly it's better late than never. I have always hated, *hated*, this parable as it seemed so horribly selfish. Yeah, yeah, I know the whole "but the oil can't be shared" stuff but it's always bothered me. Today was ward conference and our stake RS presidency chose to have the Stake President give us a talk (which I thought was incredibly clever of them - next time I'm called to teach a class, I'm just going to keep having guest speakers -- "Bro Soandso, I just felt so inspired to have you come talk to the girls. The lesson is #23, I've copied it all out for you. Have a great time; I'm heading to Hawaii.") The talk was on the importance of taking care of yourself and how this is of prime importance for each of us. Something seriously clicked (I think I even heard it). The 10 Virgins is all about the need for each of us to secure our own salvation, to experience our own life, to connect with God and fill our lamps with our relationship with Him. Yes I realize that this is along the lines of the blah blah blah I've heard before (just slightly reworded) but for some reason it suddenly clicked in my heart and not just my head.
And speaking of taking years to figure things out, I've been carrying around heavy bags and children's coats through all three hours of church for the last, oh, 10 years. Today, today I finally figured out that, HEY!, I could drop off the stuff in the car. Wow. And then I could just carry the stuff I need around for the next two hours. Wow! Who woulda thought?
You know how we are encouraged to welcome and introduce ourselves to new people in the ward whether they be investigators, people who have just moved it or one day visitors. This is very hard for me; I like to hang by in my safe place but I work on forcing myself to be more congenial. Today I walked up to a lovely couple of women and introduced myself; thy are, I thought at first, new members of the ward. Ha!
I learned their names and one of the last names rang a bell, I asked, "Oh, are you related to the other Whatserfaces in the ward?"
There was that pregnant pause and she replied, "As far as I know, the only otheWhatserface in the ward in my husband."
I looked at her and, of course, made matters worse. "Really? Because you don't look familiar?"
The daughter (I think - see how well this stayed in my head) tried to save me, "Maybe it's just because her hair is pulled back."
Yeah. Time to cut and run.
"Oh sorry, I'm just a flake, not a brain cell in my head. Gotta go."
I think I'm going to go back to my safe place.
I have discovered Mafia Wars in Facebook and for some reason, this really appeals to me. Could again just be the whole, "I'm a sucker for all things Italian" even cheesy Americanized Italian.