This reminds me of my first algebra quiz. I was the first one done, sure that I had completed everything right only to receive a D for stupid, hurried mistakes. I later slowed down. Apparently, though, this lesson needs to be repeated over and over again in my life.
So, here are all the previous entries with the 5th SENTENCE.
BH&G New Cookbook, "Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface."
The Second Sex, Simone de Beauvoir, "Because the cause of the proletariat and that of women there was no such immediate solidarity as Bebel and Engels claimed."
Posterior Analytics, Aristotle, "Since it is evident that one cannot demonstrate anything except from its own principles if what is being proved belongs to it as that thing, understanding is not this - if a thing is proved from what is true and non-demonstrable and immediate."
A Season in the Highlands, "Fall from Grace," Jill Barnett, "'Tis said...' She paused for effect."
Blameless Desire, Jenny Cartwright, "'You've mended the tray,' she said."
A bit better results but I'm still disappointed in the romance novel offerings. Then again, I'm not sure I would have posted things about creamy bosoms and engorged manhoods.
For those whom I am tagging [Mia, Laura, Alexa, Lizzie, Genji] here are the official rules. Please read carefully lest you become a lame-o like me.
1. Pick up the nearest book (at least 123 pages).
2. Turn to page 123.
3. Find the 5th sentence
4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog.
5. Tag 5 people.
6. [M's addendum] Feel no pressure about instruction #5.
Alrighty Missy, here is my contribution. I too was in the office/playroom with no books over 123 pages, so the next nearest is my Bible, so here it goes:
Exodus 29:37
"Seven days thou shalt make an atonement for the altar, and sanctify it; and it shall be an altar most holy: whatsoever toucheth the altar shall be holy."
Have I told you how fantastic and witty you are lately??
And your book choices--so eclectic! But you do need to get a new romance novel. The only one I have here with me in Saudi that sort of qualifies is Lady Chatterly's Lover.
123:5--"So, in the silent intimacy of the night, they sat, or she sat and he lay on the bed, with the reading-lamp shedding its solitary light on them, she almost gone in sleep, he almost gone in a sort of fear, and they played, played together - then they had a cup of coffee and a biscuit together, hardly speaking, in the silence of the night, but being a reassurance to one another."
Laura and BiV,
How does the mystic number work for both of you? Your quotes were so good. DH's quote was far better than the sterling dialogue of my romance novels. I've always wanted to read that book - maybe I should pick it up.
BTW, compliments are ALWAYS happily accepted. So thank you BiV for thinking I'm fantastic and witty. Yea! You made my day.
Anne Of Green Gables
"I love bright red drinks, don't you? They taste twice as good as any other color."
page 123...5th line :)
Mia - good quote! I'm assuming here but all I can think of is Diana and Anne drink the cordial and Diana getting drunk.
He looked penly at her breasts and she was grateful he didn't remark on her not wearing a bra.
This is the 5th sentence in the book on page 123
This is a comment from Diane,
the nearest book she had was "simple recipes for kids"
"Do Not Refreeze"
Thank you Miss Lizzie for the creamy bosom comment! You. so. totally. ROCK!
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