I went to see my OB today. He asked all sorts of questions (much more in-depth than I thought he would) about how I was feeling, how the circumstances of my life were going, etc. Of course I started crying as I answered the questions and kept crying as I asked how long would I have to be on these pills (he said we could try to wean off in July but then I mentioned that was the anniversary of Mom's death so then we moved that to mid-August) and that I hate to cry so much. He said that I have been blessed with strong emotions. I said that I wanted to just be Data. Brilliant and wonderful man that he is, he got the reference and responded, "What did Data always want?" Touche. Damn smart people! Or rather, damn closet Trekkies!
I told him that it didn't go so well for Data once he got the emotions chip. Dr. OB said that eventually all the gliches were worked out and everything was g

ood. He said I was an empath and not everyone had that depth of emotion. "Oh, great!" thought I, "I used to long to be Deanna Troy; she was so beautiful and had the love of Riker (whom I thought was cute at the time - no accounting for taste) and she was an empath. I guess you get what you wish for. Darn. Rascals! Oh, Snap!" Perhaps I should have clarified that I wanted
her empathy (reading other people's emotions almost as if mind reading) versus my empathy (which I translate as absorbing other people's emotions a/k/a crying all the time).
Is it to late to wish to be Data?
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