With no further adieu, here they are, in no particular order:
1. Read my scriptures, cover to cover, book to book.
2. Run a mile in less than 10 minutes. This may have to be reduced to just running a mile.
3. Watch my tongue. Not sure how to measure success of this measure.
4. Befriend someone new.
5. Befriend someone I don't like. I hear my therapist cautioning that there could be a good and healthy reason that I don't like them and maybe it's better they weren't really my "friend."
6. Find a charity to support and donate, even a buck every month.
7. Take two LCC math classes to bone up for grad school.
8. Call the Hult Center to look into volunteering as an usher - free viewing of theatrical productions- woo hoo!
9. Monthly dates with my DH. Perhaps I should tell Robert that we are doing this....
10. Volunteer or, potentially, substitute in HS math.
11. Call Pacific University and discuss MEd program.
12. Call UofO and discuss MEd programs.
13. Spend 1/2 hr. one on one with each of my kids weekly but I'll settle for monthly.
14. Talk to my MIL about how much I appreciate her sacrifices regarding my wedding. (Robert was the only member in his family, we were married in the Seattle Temple - you do the math.)
15. Survive July in Alaska. Not talking about the wild animals...or maybe I am! :)
16. Attend a temple endowment session. At least once. Potential bonus points for additional visits.
17. Attend a temple initiatory session. Do we call it a session? Oh well, there it is.
18. Write 33 Thank You notes or "love letters" (not romantic ones but "I think you are super fabulous" kind of love letters) to individuals who have touched my life. Preferably hand-written.
19. Be able to use 10, 12 and 15 pound weights for weight lifting workouts.
20. Monthly love notes to my children and husband. Maybe just daily one liners. Still flexible on this.
21. Find hope again. A real miracle. Desperately seeking God's blessing in this one.
22. Make matching dresses for me and Lulu while she's still young enough to think it's cool instead of a reason to vomit.
23. Scrapbook 1 year of photos. Too ambitious? Maybe, one month of photos. Whatever. I just need to scrapbook a few more pages.
24. Get the photos on my computer developed.
25. Get the photos sitting on rolls of film in my closet developed.
26. Clean off my bedroom dresser.
27. Keep my bedroom dresser clean for one week.
28. Take a family picture (sans DH) in front of the Mendenhall Glacier.
29. Come to grips with the imminence of death and see it as a blessing rather than a curse. Meaning, stop fretting that everyone I love is going to die and leave me but rejoice in having them now.
30. Begin to like my emotions. Mmmm...I'd just be happy to have the desire to plant this seed.
31. Finish typing up my mom's journals. (I'm sure everyone will be happy to begin receiving entries again on a regular basis.)
Ooh, I'm so close - brain don't fail me now!
32. Write an essay about something important to me.
33. Finish Step 9. (Long story - maybe someday I'll get into it.)
OK, I think that's it. I'll try and keep y'all updated and I'm feeling a bit optimistic at such a large undertaking. (I tried to make some simple but it's amazing how hard it can be to even come up with a list that doesn't involve: get a recording contract and outsell Shania Twain; cure cancer; walk on Mars; become the first woman American President; write a bestselling novel; end world hunger; be instrumental in achieving world peace; write a song so beautiful it makes Simon Cowell cry....You get the picture.) Any thoughts, cautions or perhaps changes (I believe strongly in a woman's right to change her mind) would be happily accepted.
Oh i was so sad to see number 15, but i laughed like crazy on the "dresser" one...heehe...good luck on your wonderful ideals. *wink*
#15 shouldn't make you sad - you will be part of the miracle! :) And thanks for the luck...sometimes I think the bigger miracle would be to chuck the insanity and just have one miracle: endure.
These all seem like attainable goals with the exception of #27, I don't think it's possible. I have the same problem, I clean it then in a couple of hours there is stuff on it again. Maybe I should make this one of my goals also. Let me know how the progress is.
Love ya
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