When I first started taking these things I was so distraught. I thought that here was one more way in which I had failed. "Clearly, I suck at living life. Oh well, might as well get some help because I wasn't capable of getting better on my own. " The happy pills helped so much that almost overnight all those nasty voices in my head stopped and I could function again. Why had I fought so hard against this? Now, though, I am discovery that apparently the whole world has had similar experiences and everyone seems to be on happy pills.
I spoke to a woman for whom I have become her IUD friend and she asks me all questions IUD related. Yea me! Apparently she is using happy pills too. My former visiting teacher, whose children are all my age, is on a happy pill. My husband joked that being married to her hubby (he's not so nice) for 30+ years would require her to take them. I asked him if that was true, what does that say about him since we've only been married for 10.
One friend took pills to get through the bar exam. Someone else took happy pills to help when she quit smoking. Another SAHM has bad anxiety and has been on happy pills for 2 years now. Another friend took them when she was leaving her husband. (FYI, they made her lose a bunch of weight - why can't I have that side effect?!) Another friend takes them to avoid being crazy (like me).
So, I'm feeling less like a freak and now wondering, "Should I be on these?" Is it a statement of how much being a SAHM sucks your life blood out of your soul that so many of us are on happy pills? Is it a statement of the last days and turbulent times that we have to have help to get through the day? Has our DNA been so drastically altered over years of pollution and corruption that we can no longer produce the chemicals needed for a happy brain?
I. don't. know. I just know that I am currently up in the air. The pills have helped, no question, but the week before my period (Hello?! right now!) still turns me into a bluesy girl. The pills have also made me fatigued. All. the. time. Argh! It's hard to find motivation to do anything when all I want to do is sleep. Seriously though, I had been bumped up to 20mg and have moved myself back down to 10mg to try and combat the somnolence. Not working so well. So now the questions is, "Do I have to try a new happy pill?" Blech. This is worse than trying to find a birth control pill that works for you. Then, I just gave up the whole mess. No big deal. Sure, surprise, surprise, I got preggers, but we wanted a baby and 9 years later, it's not so bad. With happy pills though, if I give up the whole mess, will I go back to being crazy sad chic? Will I still be married in 9 months if I do? Somehow the situation seems a wee bit more convoluted than the birth control pills did. Perhaps I should just go back to looking for that violin playing goat.
This was meant to be funny. I think I missed the boat.
I was on "happy pills" for a year or so and I didn't find them too "happy". They like you made me tired all of the time and the nausea drove me nuts. I did go off of them, but still have a whole prescription worth in my medicine cabinet, just in case. I do, however, think for you you should stay on them a bit longer, not saying that you will go bonkers without them, but they have helped, right? You haven't been on them that long, so maybe give it a bit more time and you body might adjust and you won't be so tired anymore. That is just my humble opinion.
Love you girl.
Ahh yes the "Happy Pill" as my BFF says, personally I think that they kind of remind me of that song "i will survive" because me on the other hand being Bi-Polar I can change my mood on a dime! ooh wait I feel a moment coming on! Ha Ha JK, on a serious note, you have seen me struggle up and down and trying to find the right meds and really not wanting to be a part of this world but you the beautiful woman you are carried me through some of the roughest times of my life! TY my BFF,
P.S. Dr ANderson from across the street says that you should cut the 10mg in half and only take 15 mg
Elizabeth Anderson CADC I
ooh that only means I can deal with addicts right? well who's going to tell, Keep Coming Back!
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