I was ready. I was going to write the happiest post, full of inspiring moments from my weekend in Portland when I got hit by Typhoid Sally. Okay, nothing that serious but I'm miserable. Chills, sweats. I can't breathe; even when my nose is clear I don't feel like I can drag in enough oxygen. I'm coughing so much that my throat hurts to swallow and drinking so much OJ that certain trips to the bathroom leave me feeling the fire. My nose is sore from Kleenex and my head just wants to be horizontal. Do you know how heavy a human head is? Heavy! Believe me. My neck can barely hold it up.
I could whine some more but I'm trying to be happy. See?

Yeah, I know. Fake happiness doesn't quite cut it. Suffice it to say that I am doing much better now (in spirit) although my body is bounding toward my grave.
Sue may be hypochondriacal but I am filled with drama. Forget drama queen, I am the Drama Empress. Now you can say you know someone famous.
I swear, cheerful post forthcoming.
I bet you didn't know that my favorite Winnie-the-Pooh character was Eeyore did you?
I know. You're shocked. And awed too.
Nyquil...here I come!
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