Myself? I can only think to add: Maraiya feels like crying. Maraiya is eating Key Lime Pie. (Which considering that my last status update was about cookies and such, perhaps may not be the best choice.) Maraiya doesn't want to do her dishes. Maraiya is tired of cleaning house. Maraiya is imitating Linda Blair in The Exorcist and screaming at her kids. Maraiya is mad at her husband. Maraiya hates selling her house. Maraiya doesn't think she wants to move to Alaska, to heck with what God and hubby say. Maraiya is ready to shoot her cat who insists on leaving body emmissions all over the house despite a clean litter box. Maraiya hates make fires in the wood stove and learning again how to regulate the heat so as not to turn her small house into a sauna. Maraiya is butt-tired, bone-weary and can barely drag up enough hope/energy/desire to blog other than to spew out more "life sucks" rhetoric.
Yeah, I'm really sensing that my friends want to read all of this in my status bar. It would just give them that warm-fuzzy-feel-good feeling.
And I'm pretty sure it wouldn't fit anyway.
If I weren't Mormon, I swear I'd be chugging a margarita or two or three or....instead, I'll just have more lime pie.
While moving somewhere else might be a great thing, the actual act of moving (packing, cleaning, packing more, deciding what to take and what to get rid of, packing, SELLING THE DARN HOUSE, packing, packing and cleaning, making the kids stop playing in the moving boxes, making the kids stop taking things out of the moving boxes, making the neighbor kids stop playing on your furniture that's sitting on the front lawn, packing and cleaning some more, having to change the moving day to Tuesday instead of Saturday because somebody in the Title company dropped the ball and didn't process the closing papers on Friday like they promised you they would, making it impossible for the 20 people who volunteered to help you move to help, and so the only help you get is from your brother and BIL, and then packing and packing and having your 4 year old son discover the sprayer hooked to the kitchen faucet which was hidden under the cabinet and you didn't know about it until then and he sprays water all over your newly clean kitchen, and you can't clean it up because you've already packed and moved all the paper towels and regular towels!)
can be a bit of a pain in the neck.
If we'd had a cat pooping all over during that time, I think I would have lost it completely.
Hang in there Marayia!!
(Perhaps you could get an IV filled with key lime pie filling or cheesecake, or straight cchocolate or something.)
(Our home teachers did show up later in the day bringing their teenage sons and they were a BIG help)
(and Max was born the next day)
These feelings although they may be normal at times are often very, very frustrating too! just know that we are here if you need an help.
Moving is scary!!! Believe me..I'm the one with the moving record and sometimes that leap of faith is the most difficult thing ever! Call if you need to talk. hang in there! Let's schedule a time to visit Marie Callendar's sometime this next week???
Jill - I love you. You are so fabulous. Thank you for being a friend and reminding me that I'm sane when I feel...so other.
Maryann - does Marie serve Margaritas? cough, I mean Key Lime Pie?
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