So, today I have made real progress although I think the dresser is messier than ever. (Well, in the context of this really, really clean week.)

The mending pile? Gone. I know. Amazing. I did my mending at 7:30am. (Did I mention my husband stayed home because he has this weird eye infection...I always feel hyper-conscious of his unusual presence in the home and thus feel compelled to work even harder - you know me and my soaps and bonbons - and thus I was mending at 7:30am.)
And the library books? I returned those too. I am so seriously fabulous. I ROCK!!
"But then, what's all this stuff on your dresser?" you ask in disbelief that I have really accomplished anything.
(It's okay, I totally get the disbelief. I'm thinking I'm possessed myself.)
The notebooks? Those are the game/activity for the Pack Meeting on Friday (I'm the local Cu

b Scout Assistant Leader- Yea.). That odd pile of clothing and weird bottle? It may not look like it but that, my friends, is a Sonic the Hedgehog costume. (And yes, I know that navy blue is not Sonic Blue but have you ever tried to find a sweatsuit that color? It cannot be found. At least, in my small town, in cannot be found. And this costume is costing enough without a trip to a larger town so Navy is the new Sonic Blue.) The bottle is fabric glue, the sweats are the body and there's a cream colored shirt for the arms and the belly. The box contains oversized shoes for me to paint red. I just need to find some big white gloves and I think I'm done. Well, then I actually have to do all that work. *sigh* I really wish Rhys would have just chosen to be an alien or a stormtrooper or some other kind of ready made costume. I love Halloween and seeing all the kids dressed up but I swear, trying to come up with and make those darling costumes gives me anxiety attacks!
Back on track....Everything else on the dresser belongs there.
BTW, if that costume pile manages to move off the dresser during this week, call 911 because that means that I actually made the costume already and that means, quite frankly, that I'm possessed or that my body has been snatched by some evil alien.
Since you are already sewing costumes, I have a few I can send over to you. I am sure you will be happy to know that your dresser is cleaner than mine. I know you always like to hear about my failures as a mother and homemaker.(like Max not going to bed the other night!) Keep up the good work!
I think you're doing a fine job keeping it clean.
Yesterday, DH took the boys on a Fathers and sons campout, but first he emptied the contents of my cluttered car on to the kitchen table. I did not feel like cleaning it up.
Today I left for a few hours, and when I cam home, the kitchen was clean! And the family room! DH bribed the kids with a trip to the local swimming pool if they got it all cleaned up.
It was really sad when they couldn't find their swimming suits and weren't able to go.
Good job my love. Sorry I've been out of circulation for a while. Just been depressed and overwhelmed with everything going on here.
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