I hope that everyone is finding this more scintillating than I am. I will say that all this posting has made me hyperconscious of putting anything on my dresser. Everytime I lay something down I think, "ooh, that will be in the photo," and then I actually take the time (like 5 seconds) and PUT IT AWAY! I know. What an amazing concept but, apparently, still difficult to grasp even at 33.

So, here's the dresser tonight. The notebooks are gone. Not because I went to the pack meeting but because I decided
not to go and passed the buck to another leader. Actually, one of my friends, a surrogate mother, took my three children and her two young grandchildren for one big slumber party at her house. You think I would waste a child-free night on a pack meeting? Not on your sweet bloomers my friends! We ran errands, bought Ginger Snaps at Winco instead of Safeway (as they were $1.50 cheaper and my DH is addicted), went to dinner, ran more errands...went home and stayed up until 2am watching movies. I know. Not exciting but it was CHILD-FREE! Woohoo! I'm sad to say but I don't think this will happen too often up in Alaska. Sniff. Why again are we moving?
Anyway, so I semi-legitimately got rid of the notebooks only to fill the space with trashy romance novels and a Reader's Digest. I'm still counting this as clean though because you can still see a portion of the wood surface at the top of my dresser.
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