Sunday, October 5, 2008
Miracle #27 Day 1
Still pretty good - only 6 more days.
Yes, I realize there is more clutter but it's good...so far. That small pile on the cars pillow is my mending (including the pillow) and the "Intuitive Eating" book needs to go back to my therapist, whom I will meet with on Tuesday.

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This photo made me laugh...so with all the great many things you need to do....will you really mend that little pile???
yes, unfortunately I do. The pile contains two play dresses that Lulu loves but they won't stay up on her shoulders (we brought them to AK this summer if you recall) and Rhys has been asking, every once in awhile, if I've fixed his pillow yet. Clearly he has not forgotten.
I'm impressed!
I've decided that my kids can't stand to see my dresser clean, because as soon as I get it cleared off, they start piling stuff on it.
And my computer desk. You wouldn't believe all the stuff I find there that doesn't belong there!
I feel like clearing all the stuff off of the desk and singing that song from Seame Street "One of these things is not like the others"
Except I'll change the words to be "89 of these things are not like the others, 89 of these things just don't belong, can you tell me which 89 things are not like the others, and get them out of here before I blow a gasket."
OK, I know it doesn't rhyme, but I think it gets the point across quite nicely.
Then I can make up a nice song about the kitchen counter.
And the floor under the kitchen counter. I just took inventory of the stuff they've left there.
karate bag
karate belt
2 buckets from the garage (???)
bag of fiberfill
pair of shoes
cowboy hat
stuffed animal
a sock
Now do any of these belong in my kitchen???
None of them!!
We had a lovely discussion just this morning about how they really need to get their stuff out of the kitchen. This afternoon they will do this, take it downstairs (supposedly to their rooms) and I will later find all of this stuff dumped just inside the door to the basement, where I can't see it from upstairs, but I can trip on it when I go to wake them up in the morning.
Don't even get me started on my mending pile.
I've discovered that if I ignore the mending pile long enough, eventually, the kids will either outgrow the clothes and I don't need to worry about it anymore.
It's not like I couldn't just fix everything in the pile, because I could do it very quickly, it's just that (even though the pile sits there in front of me, where I can see it daily, mocking me and my inability to get it done) I just plain forget that it's there.
Until Sunday morning, 5 minutes before we need to leave for church, and somebody asks me "Mom, did you fix the hem in my church pants?"
To which I reply "No, I didn't get to it. Use some tape"
I was going to write a book about multiple uses for duct tape, but someone else beat me to it.
Stapling things works really well also, however, if I can actually find the stapler, it's always out of staples.
LOL - thank you Jill for bumping up my comment count and for all the tales! Woo boy. Yeah, I'm so the only one keeping this house clean! Okay, in fairness, DH did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen last night. But the kids, even when they clean, I still need to clean. They make their beds, I fix them up when they're gone. Their dressers are a mess! (Of course, they learned from the best!)
Lulu is my most inventive stasher. She will "clean her room" and the next day we find it all just tucked away somewhere new.
As for the mending pile, the only reason mine is so small is that I've given up mending what I don't want to mend. Now, I *gasp* throw clothes away or give them away (though I try not to do that so much as I feel that king of like, "Here, you don't have enough work to do, let me add to your mending pile." And I too am guilty of the, "If I ignore it long enough, it won't fit," tactic.
Then again, I'm not as good of a seamstress as you.... ;)
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