I had planned on posting today. I had planned on posting yesterday. In fact, I've planned on posting every day for the last week. Clearly, I haven't. Today, I have a very good excuse: a deadly stomach bug has declared war on my entire household and I believe it is winning. I haven't actually vomited myself (a small victory on my part) but every other member of my household has. Also, more silver linings amongst all these clouds (although really, after 100+ degrees last weekend the clouds themselves are silver linings!), I have found two new lovers:

So far we've spent the day together and I'm already imagining many more hours of lying in each other's embraces. *sigh* Whoever would have thought I'd have a menage a trois?
ahhh yes how jealous I am over you praising to the porcelain god instead of me! but I really don't want you puking on me either and yes I thought that it was funny, but as you know I a little stressed! so I love you and your my BFF!
eeeeeew! I hope your love affair with the pot will be short lived.
Aren't you grateful for these wonderful modern conveniences?
Can I send you some jello?
(I would offer a casserole, but that might induce more puking)
You poor thing. I hope you get feeling better.
coming out both ends? gotta love it when you get over those bad bugs attacking you. Hope you get feeling better soon! If you'd quit feeding your family arsenic.....LOL
Wow! I hope you and your family get to feeling better. There is nothing worse than having sick kids when you don't feel well either. Love Ya
Well...that is quite some excuse not to blog!!! JK...get well soon!
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