"Mom! MOM! I found a snail!!"
She proudly thrust out her small hand to show me her latest catch.
"Wow!" I said with all the pleasure in her find that I could muster, " That's great! And where do snails belong?"
"In the street!" She then made sure to take off his shell and explore first but left him to die in the street.
Sniff. Wipe tear from my eye. I am so damn proud!
*Once again, faces have been changed to protect the innocent, so no, this is not my Lulu. Just a random girl with a snail courtesy of some less paranoid parent.
Ok so I love that the Princess has discovered the wondrous life of a snail, yes they sound really cool when you hear the shell crack under a nice radial tire, But have you found worms all nice and crispy in the dryer?
You know what they say about children who mutilate animals when they are small don't you?
Love Lizzie
no, mother of Jeremiah who is not allowed to handle our kitten, what do they say??!! :)
That is too funny! LuLu is so cute. Lena has discovered that if you break a worm in two it still lives and my explaination just didn't satisfy her so she has now started chopping them up into pieces to see how many live. The wonders of childhood
To the earlier commenters.......You people let your children play with worms??
We were working in the flowerbeds yesterday, and found several snails. My kids were fascinated. They named all of them "Gary."
They did not, however, meow.
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