The wise man said, "To get to Spar's fortress, you have to go through the Death Valley of Bloodville, over the Sea of Sickness, through the Cave of Dragons and into a volcano. You will see Spar in his Volcano Palace." "Thank you," said the Wolf Knight. So off he went.
Bloodville is full of dead people and monsters. "Must have been a battle," he thought. But just then, the ground started shaking and ghosts rose from the ground. "Ah, man! Just when it was getting good," he said. He pulled out his sword to fight the ghosts, then he remembered ghosts are invincible. He tried out running them. He ran faster and faster till he ran into the Sea of Sickness! Then he saw a boat.
"I must use the boat to cross the Sea of Sickness," he said. So he jumped in the boat and rowed away. Then he fell sea sick. "Oh...oh," he moaned. Then he saw the volcano! "The volcano!" he cried.
He jumped to shore. He ran to the volcano. Then he hit something. "UF," he said. Right in front of him was Lord Spar! Spar laughed his evil laugh. Then the Wolf Knight lunged at Spar; right then and there a battle began.
The Wolf Knight lunged at Spar. Spar shot red sparks at the Wolf Knight but he blocked them with his shield. Spar shot again. This time he hit Yartha and knocked him out. Spar threw Yartha in the Cave of Dragons.
When Yartha awoke, he was surrounded by dragons and flames. "The cave of dragons," he thought. Just then the dragons awoke and roared. "Oops," he said, "I better go now." The dragons blocked the exits. "Ah, man," He said. "I have to battle them," he thought. Then he slayed every dragon with an attack called earthwhack, which is when you stab the earth with your sword and the earth splits, killing everything in its path.
Yartha ran to the volcano. "Naray Saerdy," Yartha said. Then he turned invisible. "Now I can go in the volcano without being seen." But he did not know that Spar could see through invisibility. "I see you," said Spar. "Crasnocks!" said Yartha and he was not invisible. "OK Spar - one on one. No magic, just a sword and shield, "Yartha said. "No, not right hear. In the volcano," said Spar. "OK in the volcano," said Yartha. "Race you to the volcano," said Spar. So they raced to the volcano.
Spar and Yartha raced to the volcano. When they got there, Spar lead Yartha to a huge arena where they would battle. There, on the wall, was the fox princess. "Princess!" yelled Yartha. "No Yartha! Get back! It's a trap," she said. She was right.
Later, as Yartha was inches away from the princess, he got trapped right next to her. "I do not have enough magic to save us," Yartha whispered to the princess. "Maybe I have enough," she said. "But how?" asked Yartha. "I always have a full supply of magic," said the princess. And so she freed them.
"My Name is Amey," said the princess. "OK Amey, let's go. The volcano is going to blow!"
"OK let's go! The lava is going to fill the place!" yelled Yartha. So they ran out. "We need an escape plan," said Amey. "OK," Yartha said. "I have a knapsack of paper." "Great," said Amey. So they drew a way out.
This is what it looked like....

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