The point, the point, what's the point you ask? Mrs. Feynman would say, in the movie quite a lot, "What do you care what other people think?" whenever Mr. Feynman would complain about the opinions of others. I have thought about this phrase a great deal; Robert says I care far too much about what other people think. This is at the fore currently because my blog has been "discovered."
When I first started this blog, it was at the request of Alexa. She had started a blog and invited me to read. It was lovely to know what was going on in her life and her insights into life in general; she is an excellent writer. She, then, suggested that I start a blog of my own so she could stay updated on my life. So, I did. In the beginning, it was just me and Alexa. To say I was timorous would be an understatement and I have certainly vacillated over the last few months between boldness and wanting, fervently, to press the "delete this whole blog" button.
But...I love to read what I write. A narcissist I may be but I'm owning it. I will look at my blog several times a day, reread posts that I have written and sometimes just gaze at what I have created (unlike chores which have to be repeated daily). Part of being a narcissist is that I need others to agree with me and praise me; I want others to stroke my ego and tell me that I am a brilliant, funny, wonderful writer. (Please, if you're laughing out loud at that, don't share in the comments and burst my bubble.) So, I started branching out. I sent my blog address to some friends - none of whom lived nearby, most of whom didn't even bother to read. Then I started commenting on random blogs that impressed me and I, shocked me all to hell the first time I did, got a few comments from other people.
Now, however, I've really come out of the closet and handed out my address to several friends in my local community. Part of me is so excited to be reading their blogs and having them read and comment on my blog - it's nice to share things other than, "Hey, my daughter threw up on me last night." Part of me is terrified. It's easy not to care what Suburban Correspondent thinks as she lives on the east coast and I don't even know her name (really, I know parents can be cruel but Suburban seems like a particularly mean first name). It's harder not to care what Shelby, Maryann, Monica, Carrie, Lacey and Gina think about me. It's harder not to worry if I offend or if someone will become concerned by some of my more liberal views. It's just harder to invite my own back yard into my heart as the possibility of rejection or hurt becomes much more real. I read recently that a turtle only moves when it sticks it's neck out; this, my friends, is why I'm a mouse.
So, (deep breath), I'm posting anyway and I want to be just as brave and bold on my life thoughts as I am on my daughter vomiting thoughts even though my town is reading, not just the world. Good luck to me.
ooh ohh jumping up an down!!!!!! I am the first one to post on this one. yeah lizzie
Sorry about the short comment previously written I forgot what it had said ( and they say drugs don't kill brain cells) anywho, brilliant I think your wonderful and have you not yet read the 4 aggreements? It's none of your business what others think of you, and don't take things personal, you are a very ok sometimes patient woman, you are beautiful and friendly and yes funny
Do you care what I think?
I think you are a good writer, and I enjoy your sense of humor!
Plus, you were the only other person brave enough to leave a gazillion comments for Sue. Truth be told, I wouldn't have left as many if you hadn't. Not that I have a competitive nature or anything.
Because I don't.
Your comments were most definitely more creative and better thought out than mine.
But I did leave more ;0)
I gave my blog address to several friends, and none of them read my blog unless I specifically ask them to read a particular post.
I should write about them shouldn't I?
OH--I love your blog, it will be nice to look inside and see the REAL you!! Unfortunately for you, I can read you like a book and I have always liked what I have seen. Love you always!
If your soul can be seen through your eyes, then your blog can be the road to your mind. I am very happy to travel the "mouse road."
If your soul can be seen through your eyes, then your blog can be the road to your mind. I am very happy to travel the "mouse road."
If your soul can be seen through your eyes, then your blog can be the road to your mind. I am very happy to travel the "mouse road."
I love to hear you talk and I love to read what you write. You are a "what you see is what you get" kind of person. I wish I was more that way.
But, if you go to get on my Blog one day and find that your viewing priviledges have been revoked then well...I guess you have offended me:) Until then BLOG-ON!!!
"...not just the world." That's good.
And it's true - I have tons of readers, but very few that are in my real life. I haven't "come out" yet. Because it's easier writing for strangers than for people you know.
I have learned much about you from your blog and relish the opportunity to read more. Blog on!
Don't worry about what others think of you, you can't change them or their opionions and if you lose their friendship over a blog that is their loss.
I love reading your blog, you make me laugh so much sometimes it hurts and other times you make me cry.
My motto in life has always been, "God did not put me on this earth for everyone to like me, they either take me as I am or they can go to He**."
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