...is because I was up all night playing
Zoo Tycoon. One night, until after 3am. Seriously. Robert bought me the game for Mother's Day and I *love* it. You get to make a zoo with all these different animals and you have to design their exhibits just right to keep them happy. You have to set up concessions and entertainments for the visitors to make them happy. You have to have employees and you have to keep your zoo running in the black. Whew! It's exhausting.
I also, after searching for helps online, have discovered a few cheats. My favorite is that by renaming an exhibit certain names you can buy triceratops or unicorns for you zoo. Very cool. Oh and if I put a lion and a tiger and a bear (oh my!) in the same exhibit, I get...yup, yellow bricks to make a walking path.
Too much fun. Apparently, at least last week, more fun than blogging.
So, in this game, you have to do a bunch of work to make everyone happy?
Sounds kind of like being a MOM.
And you play this for fun? Seriously?
Yeah but if they whine, I can sell them (animals) or fire them (people) or just turn the whole thing off. And they listen. I put them in their cages and they stay. I get to buy things without spending a dime. So yeah, ok, it's kindof like being a mom but I liked being a mom back when I wasn't one. And, and, and, yeah, ok you have a point. But I'm still going to build my zoo. Ooh, I get to win awards. And money sometimes too. (Not real ones but hey, how many moms get any awards?) So there!
(Stinking my tongue out)
Is there anyway I could possibley down load that to my computer? remember I am your BFF ( batting eyelashes) It sounds really cool and than maybe I could get the kids to stop nagging me about another pet, I guess good ol'Lynyrd Skynyrd isn't all that great of a pet. He's a little over weight and about has a heart attack making 1 lap through the house, But hey who needs real pets when you have children?
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