For some reason, my nickname is Mouse. The story goes (I'm a bit vague on the details as I was 2.5) that my paternal grandmother took to calling my Mynah Bird because I would constantly walk around with my mouth open - little did she know that I was just subtly begging for chocolate. My dad didn't like Mynah Bird so he started calling me Mouse - not quite sure how that's an upgrade - and it stuck. My older brother knows me only as Mouse, to the point that when he called me (once in four years) at college my freshman year (we had one phone per floor - approx 7/8 students per floor) he asked for Mouse. My dormmate said he had no idea who that was and it took my brother a minute or so to come up with my given name. Seriously? Yes. *sigh* I'm that loved.
I begged and begged and begged and, well you get the picture to have a pet mouse as a child. For some reason my little brother got one and since he had one, well, it was my ace in the hole. So I got one and despite my parents best efforts to avoid such a predicament, we had a boy and a girl and they had babies but we forgot to remove the dad and he ate the babies and it was all very tragic. No. more. pet. mice.
Mickey Mouse used to be my favorite entity on earth (I even knew his birthday - Nov 19th I believe) and I, of course, collected mice. I still collect them but with far less fervor than I did as a teenager. (Then again, I do most things with far less fervor than I did as a teenager.) At last count at had about 50+ figurines which are all lovingly tucked away so my children don't break them and I can still love my children and, the real reason, I don't have to dust them.
I used to sign my letters with a stylized drawing of a mouse. Hmmmm....hard to think of much else but mice have certainly dominated my life. So, when I started to name my blog I picked up my most comforting name (Mouse) and made a home (nest). Et, voila! Here I am.
I know. You were hoping it would be more exciting than that; that perhaps I had fallen in love with the tiniest of all mice and that he had, after many escapades, hatched a brilliant plan to save me from the clutches of a misguided girl and an evil rat....but no, my life is much more boring. Thank. Goodness.
1 comment:
My daughter read that book last year and LOVED it. She, however, collects pigs. (No, there's no connection.)
Thanks for the explanation of your name. Mouse is a much better nickname that the one I had as a child.
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