"How are you in the frozen land?"
I am so happy. Who needs to sip a cool mint julep when you're basically sitting in one.
See this:

"Am I having fun?"
That depends on how you define fun. Do you think creating end of year financial statements and organizing lots of little numbers into sums for the accountant fun? Then, let me tell you I am up to my ears in all the fun I can handle. I will say that I have enjoyed my few recent days of little whining (thank you to Mia for babysitting) but I have actually been working (a novel concept), getting my kids, making dinner and then going back to work and then bed.
"Are the kiddos okay?"
The children are having a blast. This is Quinn's dream. Not once has he asked me, "Can we play at someone's house today?" Because he knows he's going to. Cousins, friends, Romans and countrymen - he's seen them all and played with them all and had so much fun. There are girls for Lulu and more video games than my boys can play in a day. H.E.A.V.E.N. Yup, my children are definitely happier here without me than at home with me. If I weren't such a confident woman (or on anti-depressants, whichever) I might take offense. But I'm above such things.
"Where is the new post?" (Okay, that was paraphrased.)
Here it is sistah! Here. it. is.
Okay, I think that covers it. If not, well, adoring fans, you didn't ask any further questions so I guess it will have to do and I encourage all you adoring fans to ask questions (I'll answer almost anything) because that requires you to comment and post something so that I can feel the love because really, I haven't been feeling it lately. 8)
Have I guilted you into commenting anything good? Have I? Have I? Huh? Huh? Huh? Don't you wish you just hit me right now? Dontcha? Dontcha? (laugh) Alright, I'm done.
Peace out.
im hot and tired and its close to 100 a little to hot get your mind out of the gutter love it all you wonderfull and so is your blog wish i could get to know you better
im hot and tired and its close to 100 a little to hot get your mind out of the gutter love it all you wonderfull and so is your blog wish i could get to know you better
Okay, before Shelby cries foul, my husband was a little to, uh, ahem, open with certain details as he was teasing me. So I edited the comment (which required deleting and posting the part which I could post - trying for a PG rating). Anyway, the comment was from Rob and I didn't edit at all (besides deleting a few words).
And no, I'm not telling what he wrote.
let your mind slip into the gutter for a bit and you'll be in my head
By the way, all these comments are the real DH Robert's comments. These are not typed by Maraiya in any way other than the one editing I admitted to.
Not that I'd ever fake comments from my husband.
Not me.
I've got standards when it comes to commenting.
You are cracking me up! I hear such a release in your writing, like you're letting it flow and having fun with your blog and telling it like it is. Love it!
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