I am leaving this morning at 4:30am, driving almost an hour to the airport, checking in (making sure to have all checked baggage less than 62 linear inches and less than 50 pounds) and getting myself and 3 children through security. Let's not discuss the four hour layover in Seattle nor the lack of food on any of the planes and the fact that our morning flight will be during breakfast time and that our later connection will be over the lunch hour. Oh and I can only take beverages purchased on the far side of security on board with me. ($10 for a bottle of water anyone?) I spoke with an airline representative who seemed perplexed with all my snack and beverage related questions. "They will have beverage service on the plane," she said. "Yes," I replied, "but young children don't tend to go by your schedule." I already had to throw away the snack pudding (meaning I fed it to my children for their afternoon snack a few days ago) I purchased as it is a gel and over 3 oz each (3.5 to be precise). And let's also not discuss the fact that I am doing this spouseless after having him back for only five days.
Pray for me people. Please. Please pray.
Food and beverages are very important for children on a plane. I think there needs to be an overhaul of the whole system. Did I ever tell you about the time we flew to Ohio with all 8 children when they were very small? The airline gave out frequent flyer miles to those who were willing to sit in the rows in front of and behind our family. I kid you not. I always believed it might have been less expensive for the airline to just feed the crying children first instead of slowly coming down the row serving everyone else and then running out of the only things they might possibly eat. But that's just me.
BTW, mouse, I got your site to feed on my sidebar! Hooray!
Wahahahaha....welcome to hell!
I am not wishing to be in your shoes right now...may you travel safe...and may you live (may your kids live too) to tell us all about it. Happy trails.
BiV - Wow. I can't believe the mileage thing. That sucks. Airlines suck. I'm waiting for teleportation to be a possibility.
Thank you Mia and Shelby. *sigh* it's good to be on this side of the traveling. Four weeks and I'll endure it again, but for now I'm just happy to be on terra firma.
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