What will they say
Wednesday at school?
I'm tired.
Drag my butt across the floor tired.
I tried to sleep during the 2+ hours flight down from Alaska but plaintive cries of "Mom!" kept that from ever happening.
I was smart this time though and rented a Smart Carte (best $3 I've ever spent) and spent less time hauling all of my daughter's carry-ons and more time actually knowing where she was located.
We ate Wendy's burgers at 10 something am. (That's 9am Alaskan time.) Can we say "gut bomb?" That is the one good thing about having kids though; I can buy a big ol' shake at that time of morning and if anyone asks, I just shake my head, point to my left and mutter, "Kids." 'Nuff said.
3.5 hours more until we board and I paid $8 just to connect to the web. $8. Have I mentioned how cheap I am? That's like giving blood. Worse actually because if I give blood, I get a cookie and juice. Not to mention the fact that my money is all accounted for and safely in my pocket.
But I spent the money thinking surely I'd have something humorous to say, like Amy when she wiped her hemorrhoids with disinfectant wipes. But I ain't got nothin' close to that good. Just lots of whining (really, what can you expect? I've only had about 5 hours sleep and I'm a good solid 9 kind of girl), junk food and potties. My children (cough - Lulu and Quinn - cough) are enamored, no, no obsessed with the airplane and airport lavatories. Lulu has gone 1...2...3.4..5 times since we got off our plane at 9:30. 5 times in three hours. Even she has a bladder bigger than that. Quinn went 3 times during the flight. 3 times! I'm so grateful they were only climbing over each other and not some other poor airline customer.
Also, as I'm one who tends to learn from her mistakes (tends to, not a completely positive yes!), I wisely placed Lulu in a pull-up. She argued but eventually acquiesced. (It was 4am.) So, we're good. No subsequent flight delays.
Okay. I think I'm done.
I'm just really lonely and I'm secretly hoping my computer will just start talking to me. Adult conversation.
No Pokemon.
No "what if's."
No "he touched me" and all ensuing arguments.
No "MOM!!!!!!!"
What does it mean when you're starting to hope an inanimate object should start talking with you?
That you're delirious? That you're tired? That you're traveling with 3 semi-young children?
Something like that.
Anyway, talk to me friends. I'll be reading. For the next 3.5 hours anyway.
Bonus points if you guess where my bastardized poem is from. (See SC. Two can play this game.)
**It's now 1:58pm. I went to the bathroom (because I needed to not because I was trailing Lulu) and...well, you know how you pull up your shirt to button up your pants when you're done? Well my shirt stays up (because of my generous bosoms) and I forgot to pull it down. I went to wash my hands (thank heavens I remembered hygiene!) and saw myself - shirt up, bra hanging out. Woowooo! Coulda caused quite a stir here at SeaTac!
Ooh, and as another note of how exciting my time is here - I was cleaning all the lint that balled up in the inside corner of my daughter's blanket. (It has a nice big hole in the middle allowing access to all four inside corners but it's her favorite from when she was a baby and yeah, it will walk her down the aisle.)
Did you catch that? I'm actually picking lint. I need something to do.
Comment people!
+++3:03pm. Still here but we're down to one more hour. I think we can make it.
Lulu just single handedly knocked over the smart carte and is now being sentenced to quiet time.
Thank you Shelby for the all the posts. I had a good time catching up. I also want to say that I'm glad your blog is mostly pictures because I can barely read. Seriously, I couldn't even read Sue's blog and that's saying something!
OK....I'm even too tired to type. I can't believe I'm posting this. Please don't read.
Hello!! Hello!! Hello!! I could drive up to get you, would that get you home faster? Hang in there. I've got new stuff on my Blog if you wanna check it out and kill time. :)
I debated renting a car and just driving home but I tend to fall asleep when tired and driving (not so good) and we figured we get there at about the same time so, we're camped out with toilets, food and internet. Not so bad. But gate waiting chairs aren't quite as comfortable as my bed!
Thanks for saying Hello!
hahahahaha! I am sorry ;)
See you could have stayed here and chatted away with me, while your kids ran wild with my kids and not had to worry about a thing, but NO you wanted to go home to your man and do "who knows what."
Ah but you do know what and what can I say, I'm gagging for it.
Goodness should I post this? I should not be allowed near a computer when I'm tired!
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