Okay, I'm home. We're all safe. It's fabulous to be here. Robert is at work, all you people with dirty little minds.
We are planning to go to the lake. See, nothing but wholesome recreational activities going on here.
Now I have to get to work - unpacking, laundry, tending children, blah, blah, blah. Oh and did I mention personal finances? I flipped through all our mail last night (that's what I was busy doing when I said "Do Not Disturb." Some people and their assumptions!) and discovered that our power bill has not been paid and is due TODAY. Yup, today. So, I'm driving down to their local office and paying in person. I just have to remember to do that; that's the real trick.
Is it too late to wish to go back on vacation?
i dont want to hear it! You chose to go back home...lol.
I know - whining about missing Robert. *sigh* We really can't have it all, can we?
Don't stress about remembering to pay the power bill. You'll remember soon enough when the lights go out.
I need to get one of those do not disturb signs for my office door so nobody will bother me when I'm working. Or blogging.
Jill -
You're such a smaht guhll. I forgot that the electric company had such a handy way of reminding me to pay their bill! Thank you!
Yeah, if I had an office door, I would hang one. My kids are convinced that all I do is play games and blog (oh, and do laundry) despite the fact that I worked with files and such all day to day! Bleh! But I don't know, my 4yo can't read; she'd barge in anyway and once she's in, everyone else comes in and....it's all just a lost cause!
So I read this post first and am, like, ooooh . . . what did she post? Where's the post? Gotta read that post. Maraiya was drunk on no sleep.
Yeah, it was more in a comment I made while tired at the airport. And then I thought I was being oh so tackful with my DND sign but I got more comments and well, those kind of comments are a slippery slope and well, I like to be open but...
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