I've been trying to get my every-trip-to-Alaska picture in front of the glacier since we got here. Week 1 was filled with adjusting and saying "Hello!" Week 2 was filled with bookkeeping work. Week 3 was fill with Vacation Bible School which took way more time that I thought it would and while I enjoyed our stroll out to the Shrine, I didn't get to the glacier. So Week 4, being our last week in town, I was determined to get my shot.
It rained. It misted. It rained. It fogged. It rained. It poured. It rained. It blew.
Did I mention it rained?
No shot.
Last night I lie in bed thinking of all that I need to do during my last few days in town; the photo shoot at the glacier (if I can call it that) was at the top of the list. I said my prayer for good weather and went to bed.
This morning, the sun was shining!
I was thrilled. I thanked God and praised Him for His mercy and got busy with my chores and working in the photo shoot before my niece's birthday.
Then I became day care central. I helped Mia out by watching her two in the morning thinking I could put mine down for a nap after lunch, finish my chores and everything would work like clockwork. And it did. Until my little brother showed up.
Last minute, no warning, he asked me to watch his two oldest while he hurried to work (he'd been called in) and then meet him at the party.
Oooookay. No problem. I'm a professional. I can handle this.
Everything went beautifully, the kids had fun (building a "grave" no less, how do they come up with this stuff?) and we left to run some errands at 3:30pm.
Problem #1: All Routes Cut Off.
My first stop was to return $5 to Costco (I had asked for $20 back and they gave me $25 - I just hadn't had a chance to return). The normal turn off was closed because something had fallen onto the local nursing home or something. Idunno. So I drove to the next exit. Closed due to construction. So I drove to the next exit and then backtracked the last few miles. The road to Costco was blocked due to some hazardous materials. Or something. Again, Idunno. Finally got to Costco, keep in mind this is just to return $5, and have to wait in line. And wait. Did you know that I had a 9yo, 2 - 7yos and 2 - 4yos? Yeah. And so we wait....
Problem #2: Trying To Do The Right Thing.
Finally, it's my turn. I briefly tell the story, "Yeah, soyougavemeextramoneywhenIcameintoshopafewweeksagoandIjustwanttoreturnit. Here. " I hand her the money.
"When was this?"
"Ummm, Idunno. A couple weeks ago."
"Do you have your card?"
Seriously?! "Uh, yeah....justasec."
"Do you remember what you bought? Any fresh produce?"
Okay, I can't barely remember the names of my children and she wants me to remember what I purchased during a routine grocery trip two weeks ago? Is she smokin' crack?!
"Ummm...I bought some carrots...." Long pause. "I spent about $17..."
"Oh, here, $20 cash back. Thank you."
She takes the $5, "It's just easier on our auditors."
I know that as a bookkeeper I should have some sympathy but really, I thought my conscience wasn't worth $5....I'm rethinking that now.
So, we all load up (Did I mention I had 5 kids with me?) and drive to my brother's house to drop off the two extras and head out for the photo shoot.
Problem #3: No Parents; Scary Seat
We pull up at my little brother's house and see my car is there, the door is open, all seems to be well but....no one is home. "Now why," you may ask, "don't you just load up all those kids and head to the glacier?" Good question. I pondered that but I needed to pick up a photographer (my friend Sara who lives only a little bit away from the glacier) and the van wouldn't fit us all unless someone sat in the nasty seat. You know, the actual van seat left after removing the toddler car seat for a one year old child. There was a full meal glued to that seat by the saliva, tears, snot and, perhaps, other bodily fluids of my favorite toddler niece. I wouldn't sit there. I wasn't going to force my children to sit there.
So we waited.
Miracle Part 1: Entertainment
Happily they have a Wii. Our stay wasn't too painful.
Miracle Part 2: Adults Return
They arrive, after only a fifteen minute wait, and my children and I go to Sara's house.
Miracle Part 3: Photographer
After a long story (I'm making an attempt to shorten this!) which ends with my friend (who is actually home because I never did bother to call and request that she be my photographer) and I hauling ass to my car, my friend butt bumping her daughter out of the way while she slides into shotgun and then locks the doors and then drive away like a bat outta Hell (way fun by the way), we make it to the glacier.
Miracle Part 4: Parking
I attempted to park in the original parking lot, which is really close to the glacier but is really tiny and generally full during the height of tourist season. We found one empty spot right up front. Thank you Lord!
Miracle Part 5: Empty Stage
We ran down to the photo area where I always stage our picture and, while there are some people there, it is almost empty compared to the horde that can be there when the busses have just unloaded. So we slip in, take the shots and leave. A half hour later, and the last to arrive at the party, I have completed #28!
Here's the results:

The other pictures turned out well too.
As i sit here close to midnight, i ponder all that has happened today. The chaos, excitement, joy, laughter, tears, tantrums and the utter tiredness that i feel.....and i smile knowing that your day was the same *wink*
I am sorry for altering your day. I am sorry that Trevor...did a "Tig."
I wanted to let you know you will be missed and that i love your "butt" shots
Oh Miss Mia - You were totally fine. T's was unexpected but it all turned out okay in the end and made for fun blogging so how can I complain?
I will miss you too. We love hanging out with your family!
Ah well, there's always unlimited long distance from Oregon and lots and lots of housework to talk me through.
(And I think the butt shots turned out better than the face shots but then I'm having a problem adjusting to the weight on my face - I seem to be heavier lately.)
And look, what a long comment I wrote back to you. "Can you feel the love tonight?"
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