So we switched it around a bit. I got to play the drums for a few rounds. You'd think it was easy. My brother makes it look oh so simple as he wails away on the thing. I was flubbing every other beat. I sucked. At the end of the song it tells you how well you did. I looked up and saw a 79%.
The conversation went a little something like this:
Me: Ah, man, I totally suck at this. I can't believe I'm so lame. I got a 79! I totally brought down the whole song. It's a wonder we didn't fail the song and get booted off the stage.
Brother: Uh, Mouse, you got a ___ [can't remember but it was higher than 79]. Mia [who was singing] got the 79.
Me: Oh.
Sound of crickets chirping.
Me(a little too enthusiastically): Mia, you did great! That was really hard! You didn't even know the song. I think you did a really awesome job! Good job Mia!
Mia: So, you think I sucked?
Mia: So you think I suck at Rock Band?
Mea culpa. I seem to be saying that a lot since coming to Alaska. What can I say? I don't think foot and mouth disease is curable.
Also, I guess this teaches me a lesson about dogging myself. I did great! It was a hard song! Who knew I could play so well for the first time! (Even if my score on the guitar was only 65%.)
Oh, and can I just say that I rocked Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville? I did. Because I knew the song. Because I will on occasion sing that song in the shower. I kicked it out of the park. 98%! How Margaritaville ended up as a song in the game I will never know. I suspect that they were trying to throw a sop to poor players like me who don't rock out very well.
[For the record, Mia is very good at this game. She could play the guitar on medium and get 99%. She rocks. She's much better than me. Sorry for any insult intended in this post which was meant to only mock me.]
I love Rock Band. But I've never seen Margaritaville on there!!
I love that everyone can play together but on their own level, so it stays interesting!
Great Job on the drums. Those are the hardest for me!
Thanks for the props! I do love that everyone can play and my brother, who's amazing, can do expert while I, who am not so amazing, can do easy. Easy, easy, easy on everything. If they had an easier than easy level, I would take that too.
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