Saturday, October 27, 2007

Who's calling?

Looking at my blog, it seems that of late I have been depressed and obsessed with bodily functions. In an effort to steer myself in a new direction, I thought I would quickly post an event that made me smile.

My daughter is obsessed with the phone. It is almost a daily occurrence to have her pick up the phone and say, "I want to talk to someone." (I'm starting to fear her teen years.) Friday we were looking at the post about my mother. Emmalouise saw the picture and asked who it was. I told her it was Nana. "I want to call Nana." "We can't call Nana," I replied, "she's with Jesus." My daughter's response? "I want to call Jesus." I explained to her that she can talk to Jesus any time she wants to but she can't use the phone; she has to pray. She mulled this over as I dialed my sister-in-law's number so that Lulu would have someone to talk to. I handed her the phone. Meg heard it ringing and immediately lit up and says, "Jesus!!"

Ah, the faith of a three year old and her strong conviction that Mom can provide whatever she seeks.

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