Friday, March 28, 2008

Subupuber Ububbubi Dububbubi Wubomuban

UbI wubas thubinkubing ubabubout wrubitubing uba pubost ubin pubig lubatubin bubut ubI thubink thubat ububbubi dububbubi ubis lubess cubommubon thuben pubig lubatubin. Subince nubo ubone ubis rubeadubing ubanubywubay, ubI thubought thubis wubould bube fubun. Bubut uball ubI rubealluby hubave tubo subay ubis: "UbI thubink muby hubappuby pubills ubare wuborkubing!"

*For translation, copy text, click here, paste text and click "Translate FROM Ubbi Dubbi".
**For bonus points, post your comments in ubbi dubbi!

1 comment:

Lena's Mom said...

I am so happy your happy pills are working. You must have too much time on your hands these days.