Friday, July 31, 2009

The Eyes Have It

Last night I was sitting around the table with my kids last night and I began to notice that they all have the same odd eye color - grey/green/yellow/blue/what the hell?

I took pictures to prove it.

Whaddya think?

I also think that I'm to blame for their weird color....could just be me.....


Jillybean said...

Yes, I think they got their eyes from you.
My eyes are blue and my husbands are brown. All of my kids have brown eyes. (One is actually bordering on hazel)
Also, three out of the four are left handed, not that that has anything to do with eye color, but it is a little odd. (and makes it difficult to sit next to them at the dinner table because they keep bumping my elbow)

Lisa said...

I think they're beautiful! They actually remind me of Seth's eyes. He has the same funny eye color.

Karen said...

I have three kids and they all have blue eyes (I have hazel and their father has blue-ish) but they're three different colors of blue......bright blue, grayish blue and greenish blue.

Alexa said...

You are cracking me up with the photos.

M said...

I don't know why but I LOVE these photos! They are currently (the kids' anyway) my computer background.