Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Because I Can and No One Is Reading Anyway!

And because figuring out interim financials sucks. The big one.:

1. What is in the back seat of your car right now? a car seat, bags of clothes and stuffed animals to go to Goodwill. I put them there in January....they're still there probably mildewing as my children have discovered that the hatch door is leaking

2. When was the last time you threw up? February 21 -- Thanks Lexapro!

3. What's your favorite word or phrase? Rascals! (Trying not to swear or even say "Darn it!" because the kids pick up new phrases oh so quickly!)

4. Name 3 people who made you smile today? Robert, Terry Fator, Lefobserver (wins the prize - thanks for stopping to say, "Hello!")

5. What were you doing at 8 am this morning? Lying in my toasty bed, in my chilly house (63F), reading a medieval romance novel.

6. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Working on 2007 interim financial statements for my Dad's shop

7. What is your favorite holiday? My birthday. (I'd say birthdays period but my children's birthdays just mean a lot of extra work for me!) But Easter means the most to me.

8. Where did you go yesterday? I stayed at my in-laws for most the day (we were house sitting), we came home around 4:30pm and then I took Quinn to Tae Kwon Do.

9. What is the last thing you said aloud? Mmm-hmm. Sure. (Response to Quinn wanting to watch ANOTHER movie so that I can get work done.)

10. What is the best ice cream flavor? Currently liking Vanilla Bean -- topped with hot fudge and undergirded by a brownie of course!

11. What was the last thing you had to drink? Guava nectar

12. What are you wearing? black comfort pants (a step up from sweat pants but there is still no zipper), yellow shirt with red and blue flower print, red fuzzy cardigan, no shoes

13. What is the last thing you ate? dark chocolate m&m's

14. Have you bought any new clothing items this week? What?! Are you nuts? I haven't bought new clothing (excluding shoes) in a few years!

15. When was the last time you ran? mmmm....I did briefly jog (read, maybe two blocks but more likely less than one)...a few days ago. If that counts.

16. What's the last sporting event you watched? Some ballroom dancing competition on PBS.

17. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Venice, Paris, Scotland. Europe just sounds oh so fabulous!

18. Who is the last person you sent a comment/message on myspace? I don't have a myspace account ergo I can't send any comments. I'll survive somehow. Sniff. Sniff.

19. Ever go camping? I've camped occasionally. I really enjoyed it as a teenager at Girls' Camp but I've tried to avoid it as a mother of three young children. Unfortunately, my children adore it. Fortunately, they're getting better about fending for themselves. Soon, perhaps, I will enjoy camping again.

20. Do you have a tan? Nope - I don't fake and bake but I'm looking forward to getting a good "glow" from playing outside this summer.

21. Have you ever lost anything down a toilet? Just the stuff that should be lost down a toilet. My son lost a toothbrush while spending the night at someone else's house though. Good times. :)

23. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot? Yes. I know they can be a wee bit saccharin but how else do you convey cheerful tone, particularly in a jest?

24. Do you drink your pop from a straw? If it's in a cup, yes. I like straws very much. I just don't drink much soda.

25. What did your last text message say? Texting? What's that? idk. I suppose I'd have to have a cell phone to do any of that.

27. What are you doing tomorrow? Picking up Robert's prescription, hopefully more reading, laundry for sure and maybe Wildlife Safari with the kids, if the weather clears up a bit.

28. Where is your mom right now? In a brass urn made from a big casing from the Vietnam War with a lovely inscription with her name, DOB and DOD and "Eternally Wife and Mother," sitting somewhere in my Dad's shop. I think. (About the urn placement not the fact that my mother is there -- then again, how much do we really know/trust these mortuary guys?! Not like we're ever going to test the ashes to make sure they're my mom and not last year's firewood!)

29. Look to your left, what do you see? My white stove, my kitchen aid, wood kitchen cupboards that badly need to be cleaned, a water bottle,a toaster, a plant that I can't quite convince to live, salt, my last brownie, a container full of kitchen implements (spatula, wooden spoons and the like), ceramic tomato and pepper serving dishes, Windex (the cheap, knock-off kind), my pink water bottle, one last brown banana, the kitchen sink and Dawn.

30. What color is your watch? What watch? I'm a SAHM. The kids running in the door from school is clock enough.

31. What do you think of when you think of Australia? The Sydney Opera House, Nemo, Outback (the place not the restaurant), Fosters Beer (ironic since I don't drink) and Crocodile Dundee -- G'day Mate!

32. Ever ridden on a roller coaster? Nope. And I fear it is too late for me with all my motion sickness; I'd probably vomit before I even got off the ride. So much fun for my friends! :) (Again with the smiley faces!)

33. What's your zodiac sign? Leo, the Lion. (The Rabbit if we're talking Chinese.)

34. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? SO GO TO THE DRIVE THRU!! I signed up for a new pharmacy because it has a drive thru. With kids, DRIVE THRUS ROCK!!!

35. Do you have any friends on myspace that you actually hate? Again with the lack of an account, can't see other people's sites, not really interested, blah, blah, blah.

36. Do you have a dog? Yupperdo. A black lab. How prosaic.

37. Last person you talked to on the phone? Mike Ostman from Textron Financial (I really should be getting back to those interim financials....)

38. Have you met anyone famous? Define met. Actually talked to? No one. (Other than myself. World famous in my own mind, dontcha know.) But I was able to go to Bush Sr.'s inauguration and saw quite a few famous folk (Maria Shriver and Hubby - I can't spell his last name; Chuck Norris; Stephanie Kramer.)

39. Any plans today? Heating my house to above 65 degrees at some point, washing laundry so I will have clean underpants, finishing my shop work, making dinner, oh and finishing that medieval romance.

41. Ever go to college? Yes. Still not sure if it was a good idea (friendships made not included in that statement)

42. Where are you right now? At my desk at home.

43. Biggest annoyance in your life right now? The word "Mom." Seriously, do my children really need to utter that word 20 times in one minute?! No hyperbole in that statement.

44. Last song listened to? "Happy Working Song" on Enchanted

45. Last movie you saw? Without a Paddle. Laughed like crazy. I think it's a good memory for me. The first time I saw it was the summer my mom was dying and comic relief was greatly needed.

46. Allergic to anything? Yes but I'm not entirely certain what. I'm allergic to chamisa in New Mexico and I strongly suspect tree pollens but again, never actually tested.

47. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? The ones God gave me.

48.Are you jealous of anyone? I get jealous when I feel left out or feel that someone is better liked than me. Trying to conquer this but, in all honesty, there it is.

49. Are you married? Yepperam!

50. Is anyone jealous of you? I doubt it. I mean, why?!

51. What time is it? 2:21pm, PDT.

52. Do any of your friends have children? Yeppemdo! Most of them anyway.

53. Do you eat healthy? I don't think I know a word in the English language that would imply no in emphatic enough terms, so I'll keep it simple: NO!

55. Do you hate anyone right now? No. I've put it in a bubble and blown it away. Some people scare me though and I'm trying to learn courage in light of that.

56. Do you use the word 'hello' daily? Yes. I say "hello" on the phone, when greeting family and friends. I use "Hi" a lot too but "hello" is very useful. Would like to use "salutations" more but it seems a bit high handed.

57. How many kids do you want when your older? Three, hopefully. God forbid any of them should perish and Rob's fairly adamant that there will be no more little ones in our house.

58. How old will you be turning on your next birthday? 33 (year of miracles)

59. Have you ever been to Six Flags? No.

60. How did u get your last scar? My cat, the vicious little bugger.

PS: If you are reading, comment. Comments make me soo happy. I could actually add your name as the third person to make me smile today! :)


lefobserver said...


Lena's Mom said...

Soooo happy you are getting along better. Miss you much, hope to see you really soon.