Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Twice the Mom I'll Ever Be

I watched the Secret Life of Bees last night which was wonderful and uplifting in a strange and depressing way. As a way to distract myself from my moroseness (which, shockingly, is a word), I picked up a trashy romance novel.

This authoress has several books all devoted to one family so she thoughtfully provided a family tree so I can keep the characters straight. There are several asterisks on the page. At the bottom, it tells me that each asterisk denotes twins.


Which got me to thinking, "What is it with twins these days?"

Everyone is having them (at least all the celebrities). They are so vogue, so hip, so in, so stylish.

Heck, ordinary moms aren't even doing the twin thing anymore. They've got to go for more than just two at a time. (Eight is enough has a whole new meaning these days.)

Which all leaves me feeling like we're trying to ramp up what it means to be a mom.


First we couldn't just stay at home and eat bon bons and watch soaps.

Nope, we have to have ambition.

But, lest any random company be embarrassed by racing striped underwear strewn all over our house, we still have to be immaculate housekeepers.

Now, it's not enough to be the perfect CEO of a major corporation and run a tight ship at home....

No. I have to have twins.

Singletons are just not enough.


Grrrr....I'm going back to my bon bons and soaps.

And sending my kids off to school where someone else will raise them.

And heck, the racing stripe underwear? I'll leave it on the piano bench so you can see it first thing when you walk in my door.


Lisa said...

Seriously - you crack me up!

M said...

Thankyou. Thankyouverramuch.

Suburban Correspondent said...

Thank you - the oneupsmanship gets to me, too. That bar just keeps getting raised higher and higher!

Shelby said...

You are too funny! I was laughing so hard...I had to stop reading to go pee because...well you know.

For the record I had my twins before it was the "cool" thing to do :)

Jillybean said...

I thought I wanted twins until I had my first child.

I think I'll join you with the watching soaps and eating bon bons, because without twins, I have plenty of time for that sort of thing.


On an unrelated note, I recently saw a new invention. It was a pair of racing stripe underwear (we call them skid marks) which had a special pocket sewn into them. You use them while you're traveling, put your money in the pocket and leave them laying on the floor of your hotel room, and you money will be safe because nobody will touch them.

K-Dub said...

I predict that, over time, Darwin-style, we'll all start calling our offspring our "litters". :)

Megan O. said...

I've been thinking the same thing lately--what is it with all the celebrities having twins? Are they all doing the in vitro thing or something?

M said...

SC - why do we as women do that? You would think that we'd be trying to make it easier for each know, maybe invent better bon bons or something....

Shelby - I will totally grant you amnesty from any thoughts about twins. Plus, your girls are just so darn adorable!

Jilly - eewww. Eeeww, eeww, ew.

Kari - I agree. Just wish my litter wasn't stretched over five years - labor was just awful!

Megan - I have no idea but a friend postulated that we're having babies later and later (by we I mean our culture as a whole) and women tend to drop two eggs at a time as we get older; Ma Nature's built in, "CRUD - I need to reproduce" defense.