Sunday, February 22, 2009

Why I Love Sundays

Every other day of the week I bemoan the fact that my children are growing so fast and that they are almost as tall as me.

On Sunday, I put on 3" heels and WHOA!! They shrink. They're incredibly small.

And I am tall and beautifully svelte.

I love it.

So why, you ask, don't I wear heels all week?

Because they &^&!#@$)* hurt!!!

And on Sunday, I spend most of my time sitting.

*sigh* I just love Sundays.


Jillybean said...

I can wear heels and my son is still taller than me.

It's difficult to be taken seriously when you tell a kid to do their homework while they're looking down at you.

Just wait, it will happen.

Lisa said...

I did notice your heels at church yesterday and I LOVED them! Too cute. I was going to tell you, but then you know how things go - everyone distracts me...

M said...

Jill - Don't I know it. Quinn just got baptized and I was looking at our family photos....even wearing heels Rhys is up to my chin. He's 10. I'm so doomed.

Lisa - Thanks for the belated compliment. They're my $4 clearance wonders. Yea!

mia said...

You know...I couldn't help putting the F-word "in the blank" of your wonderful sentence. I think I have been married to your brother too long....he keeps my mind swearing!!

I can't wait to see your heals.

Alexa said...

Oh my gosh!! I totally know what you mean about heals. I wore mine Sunday, and my feet still hurt today (Tuesday).