Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Business Cards

The shop has not had new business cards since I was a wee child. The card is pure white with black lettering and the name is written in cursive, not quite appropriate, in my mind, for a business based in boat, outboards and repair work. It also bear the name of my parents, which could pose a problem for someone calling and looking for Janet.

This morning I began to look online for some business card designs.

I'm thinking that for a business with a predominately male clientele that this business card would be a sure success; they may not quite know what it is we do, but they'd probably pop in just to find out.

P.S. Don't forget to click on the link for the "back side" view.

P.P.S. Who would actually use these cards? I didn't think people in that kind of profession would need business cards....


Jillybean said...

I think that's the type of card that a guy probably wouldn't throw away.

And just today I noticed that my supply of business cards was getting low.........

Lena's Mom said...

I'm thinking you would get a lot of people dropping by.

M said...

I know right?! Dad said we could use them if we felt able to give one to the bishop. Of course Robert would have no problem with that. (And no, there is seriously no sarcasm in that statement.)