Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Bad News Is I'm Not Dying

I have been sick.

Sicker than a dog, sickety sick sick sick.

It started with laryngitis, lots of whispering and quiet moments at my house.

Then came the occasionally productive cough.

Then came the fevers.

I dreamed of my husband taking my children to church and giving me three hours of silent bliss.

Unfortunately, he got sick too.

So we were all home.

Monday I stumbled to the doctor's office and begged for antibiotics; he gave them to me (God bless that man!).

I took them all last week.

Wednesday I was feeling better, sort of. I got up, showered and went back to bed. I got up, washed the dishes and went back to bed. I had to conserve energy to start a dinner that my husband eventually had to finish. I canceled all sorts of appointments including my crossing-guard duty the first day back at school after break.

So today I was certain that despite the lingering bronchitis and its accompanying cough, I was well enough to live life.

I worked out (which only led to many coughing fits - you know, the kind where you cross your legs tight and pray with all your might that you don't somehow end up peeing yourself?) and I took Lulu to playgroup.

I then had to take a nap.

Then I volunteered at the school and I've made dinner and now I'm ready for bed.

But I have to go back to the school.

Will someone please convince the nice bronchitis virus that I'm really not a good host and he should go infest someone else?

Like a mosquito....

I think that would be a fabulous pairing, win/win as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, the point of all of this? I think I will be blogging again.


If nothing else, I'll start whining after the 22nd about how I'm lonely and how it sucks to be a single parent.

Six months of whining....aren't you stoked?!


Lena's Mom said...

Just make sure you take care of yourself. We all know what can happen when you work through the pain of being sick and don't listen to what your body is trying to scream at you.

M said...

I'm trying - I didn't work out today (although that could also be due to sore quads) and I did sleep a lot last night (I think I pushed it too hard yesterday).

I'm sure you understand this - it's just so hard to take it slow when your brain is chomping at the bit to get back to life and reminding you of the myriad of things you have to do - TODAY!

Lizzie said...

hmmmm excuse me Ethel! just think of the times I will be able to cuddle up to you and not have Roberto around.. and sometimes your body tells you to slow down when you don't listen to it it slaps you right upside you face. and BANG DOWN YOU GO! shhh listen to your inner self and find you good ora!

mia said...

What is the matter with you. You know if you get run down enough you will end up in the hospital...then you can't do anything and that would suck.

(do you like how I was trying to be firm with you?)

M said...

Mia - I love it when you're firm with me! Believe me - I'm feeling it. I'm so tired right now. I think it will be an early night!

Lucy - um...hello....remember this blog is rated PG! And yes, I'm looking forward to lots of bonding and you taking care of everyone once Robert leaves. Sure you still want BFF status?

Zillah said...

blech! i'm so sorry! i hate being stuck in that sickness limbo--where you're not well enough to get anything done, but not sick enough to sink into a coma. i hope you're eating loads of chicken noodle soup and sleeping immense amounts (also: my sister swears by garlic pills, which make her breath smell like, well, she's made of garlic, but she rarely gets sick).

show that virus who's the boss!

M said...

Yeah - I'm just eating! I think chocolate is the cure for the common cold (or whatever kind of URI I have).

And I'll tell the virus, "Zillah's boss! And she said that it's time for you to go!"